Temporal variability of crust strength and thickness as influenced by tillage methods and soil management practices in semi arid areas of Kenya

Corporate authorKenya Agricultural Research Institute, Nairobi
ConferenceSustainable use of land resources to alleviate poverty in the new millennium, 18, Mombasa (Kenya), 4th-8th Dec 2000
Publisher Soil Science Society of East Africa, Nairobi (Kenya)
Date of publication2003
AGRIS CategoriesSoil science and management
AGROVOC English termsTillering; Soil management; Soil management equipment; Soil mechanics; Kenya
AGROVOC French termsTallage; Gestion du sol; Materiel de mise en valeur du sol; Mecanique du sol; Kenya
AGROVOC Spanish termsMacollamiento; Manejo del suelo; Maquinaria para manejo del suelo; Mecanica del suelo; Kenia
Free keywordsCrust thickness and strength; Tillage methods
SourceSoil science society of East Africa proceedings of the 18th conference and end of the millennium celebrations, Mureithi, J.GMacharia, P.N.Gichuru, M.Mburu, M.Mugendi, D.N.Gachene, C.K.K..- Nairobi (Kenya): Soil Science Society of East Africa, 2003. Sustainable use of land resources to alleviate poverty in the new millennium,Sustainable use of land resources to alleviate poverty in the new millennium, 18, Mombasa (Kenya), 4th-8th Dec 2000.- 9966-879-51-X.- p.59-76
Abstract (English)Studies were conducted in a semi arid area of Kenya to determine the effects of tillage methods and soil management practices on crust strength and thickness during the 1998/1999 cropping seasons. Conventional and minimum tillage methods, surface mulch, incorporated mulch and goat manure were studied. Crust strength and thickness were measured at sowing, mid season and harvest. The results obtained indicate that there were large seasonal changes in the field measurement of crust strength and thickness over the two seasons. There were significant differences in crust strength and thickness between sampling times within the treatments. There was a good relationship between crust strength and thickness at R2 = 0.46. All the soil management practices and tillage methods resulted into a decrease of crust strength and thickness with time. Minimum tillage however had stronger crusts than conventional tillage at. Crust thickness was significantly influenced by tillage methods and the soil management practices.


Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (Kenya) KARI
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  • Crust strength and thickness;; Soil management;; Tillage methods;; Steady ... This
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