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dc.contributor.authorNdeda, Philip C
dc.description.abstractThis research is intended to investigate the contribution of UN-Habitat Partnership with Kenyan Government in addressing slum upgrading problem in Kenya. The study consequently set out to examine challenges and opportunities in urban slum upgrading in Kenya. The study established that UN-Habitat has significantly contributed to the urban slum upgrading program through financial support, technical input and international networking. In the study, it emerged that various constrains are manifested in Kenya slum upgrading program. These challenges include:  Inadequate financing.  Constrained space for project implementation.  Poor governance  Weak institutions for project implementation. The research concluded by making a few recommendations that could translate to effective slum upgrading program. First the government should mobilize adequate financial resources both domestically and internationally to raise enough funds for slum upgrading programs. Secondly the partnership between the Kenyan government and UN-Habitat should be strengthened to have continuous engagement on project monitoring and evaluation if the challenges identified as bad governance and weak institutional framework are to be addressed. This research is equipped with information that shall be relevant to students and researchers in the international partnership for social and economic developmenten_US
dc.publisheruniversity of nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectInternational Organizations in Slumen_US
dc.titleThe Role of International Organizations in Slum Upgrading in Africa- a Case Study of Un-habitat in in Kibera’s Soweto East Village Slums, Nairobi, Kenya (2005-2018)en_US

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