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dc.contributor.authorMuthamia, Anne K
dc.description.abstractClimate change affects achievement of Kenya's human development goals of providing basic necessities to all its citizens. This research therefore examines the extent of influence and impact of climate change on human development and the interventions put in place by the Government of Kenya to tackle these challenges. This research set to find out how climate change impacts human development in Kenya, how Kenya has responded and the major challenges to building resilience. The research utilized systematic review of literature and qualitative research was applied in data collection using expert interviews and questionnaires. Literature review gives an in-depth analysis of climate change trends globally, regionally and nationally and reviews the major policies, agreements and legislations that guide this discourse. The study gives a detailed description of human development and narrows to an analysis of Kenya Human Development Index as described by the United Nations Development Program. The factors that impact human development in Kenya are analysed and these include food security, human security, land tenure system, development planning, and gender among other factors. The third chapter reviews Government of Kenya role in enhancing human development through climate change mitigation and adaptation measures is interrogated. This includes a review of all existing policies and laws and international agreements and treaties to which Kenya is a party to and that govern climate change in the country. Interventions being undertaken by the key government Ministries to tackle climate change through various policies, laws, strategies and plans have been analysed. In particular, the research reviews the six key sectors the Government of Kenya has identified in tackling climate change and these are Environment, Agriculture, Energy, Water, Lands and Transport. These are the six sectors that have been identified to have the highest impact in resolving climate change in Kenya due to their contributions in carbon emissions, and ability to impact human development in the country. Interestingly, the research reveals that Education is a key sector in tackling climate change and promoting human development, yet it has been omitted as a priority sector. The green theory has been utilized to analyse and explain the choices made by policy makers in Kenya's government. This study uses qualitative design in its conduct and data findings from expert interviews and key informants working in the field of climate change in the country are presented as well as findings from administered questionnaires. The research findings reveal that education is the most critical requirement for addressing the impact of climate change on human development in Kenya. Agriculture is identified as the most severely affected by climate change, however the Climate Change legislation is viewed as adequate for addressing identified challenges. Key measures that are recommended by respondents include enforcement of regulations, allocation of funds, and introduction of carbon taxes, community sensitization, and adoption of green energy among other interventions. The last chapter gives recommendations which include incorporating climate change studies in schools curriculum and public awareness and education, offering incentives and benefit sharing, alternative energy, and gender inclusion among other recommendations. Education of stakeholders as well as public awareness through various platforms including social media is viewed as the most effective method to tackle climate change and enhance human development. The Energy sector is also considered as the second-most critical sector in tackling climate change to enhance human development.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectClimate Changeen_US
dc.titleThe Impact of Climate Change on Human Development: a Case Study of Kenyaen_US

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