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dc.contributor.authorOwino, Elizabeth A
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to establish the factors that affect managers’attitudes towards the Performance Based Reward System at Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Limited. Questionnaires were used to collect primary data while secondary data was collected from the Website and Human Resource Policy Manuals of Stnadard Chareterd Bank Kenya Limited. Data was analyzed using SPSS and presented in piecharts, bar charts and frequency distribution tables. The major findings of the study indicated that the PBRS was not considered fair to the managers due to lack of appeal mechanism, late communication of appraisal ratings, lack of agjustment of rewards to reflect appeal outcomes, lack of harmonization of frequency of appraisals and unclear basis of appraising individuals and teams doing similar jobs and line managers against their direct reports’ ratings. The main conclusions were that SCB did no practice fair performance appraisals among all its employees, did not have non monetary rewards, did not encourage appeals of appraisal ratings, did not practise harmonized appraisal criteria and frequencies and lastly, did not have an objective model for conducting its performance appraisals. The researcher recommends that SCB comes up with policies and models that would allow it to embrace best practice of allowing for appeals, communicating ratings before sharing rewards and harmonising frequencies and criteria of appraisal for all its employees. The researcher also suggests that a similar study be carried out targeting clerical and support staff to get their perspective of the factors affecting the attitude of employees towards PBRS at Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Limited..en
dc.titlePerceived factors affecting managers' attitude towards perfomance based reward system at Standars Chartered Bank Kenya Limiteden
local.publisherSchool of Businessen

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