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dc.contributor.authorMuratha, Michael K
dc.description.abstractParticipatory development is key in ensuring that there is sustainable and efficient improvements from the physical aspect, especially where there is involvement of public facilities like sanitation and water amenities. The research aimed at investigating the role played by participatory development communication with regards to natural resource management: a case of Naivasha Wetland Area. Tied to this objective were the specific ones which included; finding the influence of participatory project planning on natural resource management in Naivasha Wetland Area; examining the impact tied to participatory project implementation regarding natural resource management in Naivasha Wetland Area and assessment of participatory monitoring and evaluation’s influence on natural resource management in Naivasha Wetland Area. A research design of the descriptive cross-sectional perspective and Habermas’ theory were utilized. The study’s target population was 20 conservationists/ environmentalist, and 2000 community members. A stratified sampling technique was used to select 400 respondents. An interview guide coupled with questionnaires helped in obtaining primary data. Quantitative data acquired in the field was assessed for completeness, consistency, and quality. The data was entered and summarized for analysis. The researcher next analyzed this data before presenting results in tables, frequencies and percentages forms. Furthermore, descriptive characteristics like standard deviation and mean were utilized in results presentation. The arithmetic mean, standard deviation, frequencies, and percentages were calculated as part of the descriptive analysis approach. There was utilization of Pearson’s correlation coefficient in derivation of inferences. Microsoft Excel and Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 24 were utilized. Information gathered from the interview guide's open-ended questions was qualitative. The study found that majority of respondents indicated that assessment of participatory requirements was a significant tool in reducing natural resources’ destruction. The study also found that a major proportion of respondents were in agreement with statements on participatory project planning. The study further found that there was a great extent to which respondents responded in agreement with statements that were based on natural resource management. The final finding was that respondents agreed to a big degree with statements on participatory monitoring and evaluation on natural resource management. A conclusion was made that participatory needs assessment, monitoring and evaluation significantly influence management of natural resources. Furthermore, local communities need to get engaged in implementation of natural resource management projects. Natural resource management needs to build strong relationships with local communities, develop clear project goals and objectives, guarantee local communities’ priorities when developing project goals and build capacity among local communities to enable them to assume active responsibilities management of natural resources and project. Finally, it is critical that a clear monitoring and evaluation plan be established to enable projects to be effectively tracked and evaluateden_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleRole of Participatory Development Communication in Natural Resource Management - a Case of Naivasha Wetland Areaen_US

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