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dc.contributor.authorNdeke, Mike K
dc.description.abstractAffordable housing projects heavily rely on essential urban services, which continue to pose a significant challenge in Kenya. The inadequate provision of crucial services like water, electricity, waste management, and accessibility significantly impacts the affordability of housing in both metropolitan and sub-urban areas. Recognizing the need for urban infrastructure in residential areas, this study focused on the settlement areas of Delalekutuk and Ildamat in Kajiado in 2022. The basic goal of this research was to study the availability of basic metropolitan services for the residents of Delalekutuk and Ildamat. Additionally, it aimed to identify the obstacles hindering the provision of these services, propose policies that could facilitate urban infrastructure development, and suggest appropriate approaches to address the lack of essential urban services. The study targeted households residing in informal settlements that face challenges related to inadequate access to affordable housing. Key informants, officials from the state department of roads and water development in Kajiado, local administration in Kajiado, officials from the Kajiado County government, and landowners in Delalekutuk and Ildamat were also included as part of the study population. Data collection involved the administration of household questionnaires, conducting focus group discussions, and performing field observations to validate information gathered from households and obtain critical insights. The study revealed glaring deficiencies in urban infrastructure provision, specifically regarding water accessibility, waste management, and electricity connection. Based on these findings, several conclusions were drawn. Firstly, basic urban services do not play a big part in the housing industry. Secondly, developers and landowners have resorted to alternative measures such as boreholes to compensate for the inadequate services. Lastly, the study highlighted that housing developments often precede the provision of essential urban services. Consequently, the study recommends that, together with the National Government, the Kajiado County government should adopt various conceptual models outlined within the literature chapter to enhance provision of basic social services. These models include the bottom-up approach, approach-based approach, decentralized approach, bottom-down approach, and collaborative housing. By implementing these models, it is hoped that the challenges in delivering essential v | Page urban services can be effectively addressed and the provision of affordable housing improved in Delalekutuk and Ildamaten_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleChallenges in Provision of Basic Urban Services in Residential Neighborhoods - a Case Study of Delalekutuk and Ildamat - Kajiado Countyen_US

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