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dc.contributor.authorMuritu, Miriam W
dc.description.abstractProject implementation requires robust leadership as it is a critical phase that significantly influences overall project success. Whilst implementing an ERP system integrates core business functions building efficiency, doing so in the best way is often a challenge. ERP systems are highly linked systems and therefore are complex projects to plan and execute. A number of studies have focused on critical success factors in respect to project implementation but few have focused on project leadership components and also on alcoholic beverages manufacturing entities. In this study, project leadership was hypothesised as a determinant in implementation of ERP systems by Kenyan companies that produce alcoholic beverages. The specific goals were to link leadership experience, leadership skills, leadership style and leadership control and implementation of enterprise resource planning systems among alcoholic beverage manufacturers. This inquiry was anchored on Trait Theory of Leadership, Contingency Theory of leadership and Social Exchange theory. The problem identified in this inquiry addressed using a descriptive research design. This inquiry had its target population being all alcohol manufacturers in Kenya. The sample frame composed of registered alcoholic entities in Kenya that there were 35 firms registered and legalized to manufacture alcoholic beverages. The findings showed that project leadership accounted for moderate variation in implementation of projects, R2=0.21, p=0.000. Results showed that leadership experience significantly and positively affected implementation β=0.342, p=0.030, leadership style had significant positive link with implementation of project β=0.547, p=0.006, leadership control had a positive nonsignificant effect on implementation of projects, β=0.258, p=0.216 and leadership skills had a positive and significant effect on implementation of projects, β=0.136, p=0.039. The study recommended robust training to project leaders. Project leaders should train more so as to acquire robust project leadership that would enhance project deliveryen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleInfluence of Project Leadership on Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Among Alcoholic Beverage Manufacturing Firms in Kenyaen_US

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