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dc.contributor.authorSwedi, Amina I
dc.description.abstractTurkana County has1 experienced1 increased1 levels1 of hunger due1 to food1 insecurity, famine, and1 poor economy. The1 hunger has1 greatly affected1 school enrolment, attendance1 and1 progression rates1 of learners1 especially in1 public primary schools. This1 is1 because1 the1 children1 cannot concentrate1 in1 class1 on an1 empty stomach. Due1 to the1 poor economy, many families1 in1 Turkana cannot fend1 for themselves. Home1 grown1 school feeding programme1 endeavors1 to realize1 several goals1 especially attainment of education goals1 and1 promotion of the1 local economy. This1 study sought to establish the1 perceived factors influencing the implementation of home-grown1 school feeding Programme1 in1 public primary schools1 within1 Turkana Central Sub- County, Turkana County, Kenya. The1 study was guided1 by the1 following objectives: to establish the1 extent to which agricultural development influences the implementation of home-grown school feeding programme in public primary schools in Turkana Central Sub- County. The1 study was guided1 by the1 implementation theory and the1 social choice theory. This1 study used1 the1 descriptive1 research design. The1 target population consisted of the1 national government ministry of education, agriculture and1 treasury and1 national planning. In1 addition, it consisted of county representatives1 from ministry of education, agriculture, treasury, county education steering group, 17 local farmers1 (large1 and1 medium scale), head1 teachers1 of 33 primary schools1 in1 Turkana Central who are1 beneficiaries1 of the1 school feeding Programme1 and1 direct school feeding implementing organization, Mary’s1 Meals. The study adopted the census sampling method since the respondents were few. A structured1 questionnaire was chosen1 as1 a tool for collecting data. The1 filled1 questionnaires1 were checked1 for completeness1 at two levels1 where1 the1 researcher verifies1 that questionnaires1 are1 completed1 before1 the1 final verification. This1 was1 done1 to ensure1 that any anomalies1 detected1 are1 corrected1 immediately before1 the1 questionnaires1 are1 taken1 from the1 respondents. The1 researcher conducted statistical Analysis through IBM SPSS1 Statistic 27 Analysis software. The1 data generated1 from the1 questionnaires1 was coded1 and1 entered1 into the1 SPSS. Quantitative1 data was analyzed1 using descriptive1 statistics1 of means, percentages, standard1 deviation. Multiple1 regression analysis was worked1 to determine1 relationship among the1 variables1 and1 extent of the1 relationship that exists. The study found that the programme has a variety of agricultural produce to choose from, and the programme has reliable access to a stable market for its agricultural products. Further, the study found that the budget constraints limit the effectiveness of the feeding programme, funds are allocated based on the specific needs of the programme. The study established that the local supply chain did not ensure the timely delivery of necessary resources, and the programme did not actively promote cultural inclusivity and diversity. The research however found that there are no active steering or lobbying groups advocating for the programme. The research concluded that agricultural development had the greatest effect on the implementation of home-grown school feeding programme in Kenya, followed by culture, then stakeholder partnerships while availability of funds had the least effect to the implementation of home-grown school feeding programme in Kenya. The study recommended that the local farmers s should focus on diversifying the crops they grow locally for the feeding initiative. Providing training and resources for local farmers involved in agriculture is crucial to achieving this goal. To address challenges related to the supply chain, efforts should be made to improve the logistical coordination of locally sourced food, ensuring timely delivery to the schools.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titlePerceived Factors Influencing the Implementation of Home-grown School Feeding Programme in Public Primary Schools in Turkana Central Sub-county, Kenyaen_US

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