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dc.contributor.authorBisach, Faith J
dc.description.abstractIn the quest to cushion the poorest and most vulnerable members of the society, Cash Transfer Programs have been on the rise globally and especially in the sub-Saharan Africa, Kenya inclusive. This has to an extent contributed positively to the global 2030 agenda’s first goal that seeks to bring poverty and hunger to an end. Persons with disabilities have not been left out, as these programs seek to improve their livelihoods by strengthening their capacity and that of their caregivers. It is in this line that this study seeks to investigate the extent to which the Cash transfer program improves the livelihoods of persons with disabilities in Butula Sub-county, Busia County. The study was guided by theory of change for cash transfers, resource dependence theory and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. Research was analyzed descriptively. Structured questionnaires and interview schedules were used on a target population of 150 households, 2 local area chiefs and 3 program managers for data collection. Purposive sampling was employed to arrive at a sample size of 155 respondents. Data was collected by help of research assistants who directly administer the questionnaires. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was employed in the study and SPSS was used for descriptive statistics. Correlation coefficients were obtained to ascertain the strength of variables. Linear regression was used in hypothesis testing. Tables were used for data presentation on percentages, means, frequencies, linear regression and correlations. The results is hoped to be of help to relevant bodies interested in matters social protection and livelihoods of persons living with severe disabilities.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectProgramme and Improved Livelihoodof Persons With Disabilitiesen_US
dc.titleCash Transfer Programme and Improved Livelihoodof Persons With Disabilities in Butula Sub-county, Busia County, Kenyaen_US

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