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dc.contributor.authorKilungu, Naomi
dc.description.abstractThis research examines the difficulties faced by Congolese refugees in Umoja, Nairobi, Kenya, during the political unrest in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) from 1998 to 2015. It investigates discriminatory practices experienced by Congolese migrants, particularly those in Umoja, influenced by their treatment within Kenya's refugee protection system and the local community. The study explores into the origins, development, and factors contributing to the marginalization and profiling of Congolese migrants in Umoja, Nairobi. It also analyzes the perceptions of the host community, the vulnerabilities of Congolese migrants within Kenya's evolving protection framework, and the challenges faced by those in Umoja. Key actors in the refugee protection sector, including the Danish Refugee Council, UNHCR and Church World Service, were engaged through purposeful sampling. Qualitative research method was used to analyze the data as thematic analysis revealed recurring patterns in the experiences of Congolese immigrants in Umoja. Online, phone, and group interviews, were employed for data collection. The findings indicated significant impacts on Congolese migrants due to changes in Kenya's refugee policies, particularly regarding documentation and the encampment policy. Despite established protection frameworks, sporadic and ineffective implementation persisted, resulting in challenges. The study identified the profiling of Congolese refugees, misconceptions about their wealth, and manipulation of the protection space system by economic migrants amplified their marginalization. Because of that certain organizations implemented pre-assessment mechanisms for specific services, notably third-country resettlement. The research highlighted characteristics leading to low rejection rates in acquiring refugee status, due to limited knowledge of DRC's conflict dynamics in the actor’s space. It explored the perception of Congolese refugees as temperamental and challenges in their integration into Umoja. Unique geographical features of Umoja area in Umoja sometimes led to their exclusion from resource distribution efforts. In conclusion, the research emphasized the need for improved implementation of refugee protection frameworks in Kenya, accurate profiling, and an understanding of the unique challenges faced by Congolese refugees in Umoja. The findings have implications for policymakers, humanitarian organizations, and stakeholders involved in refugee protection and integration efforts in Kenya.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectLived Experiences, Urban Refugees, Congolese Refugees, Umoja, Nairobi Kenya, 1998-2015en_US
dc.titleLived Experiences of Urban Refugees: the Case of Congolese Refugees in Umoja, Nairobi Kenya, 1998-2015en_US

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