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dc.contributor.authorYegon, Amos K
dc.description.abstractWarehouse Information Technology is concerned with the handling and commissioning of products. It is part of intra-logistics and is closely related to materials handling and packaging technology. Warehouse Information Technology is known to be an integral part of supply chain management. Primary objective of this study was to assess impact of Information Communication Technology on operational efficiency of Tilisi Logistics Park's warehouses demand. The study was informed by following research objectives; to establish how stakeholders at Tilisi Logistics Park utilize ICT for efficient inventory management in on-demand warehouses and to determine shortcomings in the efficient use of ICT techniques for inventory management in on-demand warehouses at Tilisi Logistics Park. Specifically, the study was guided by three theories: Resource-based theory, Transaction cost-economic theory, and Management theory. The research will only use quantitative methods. Descriptive research design was used to provide accurate and efficient representation of the variables under study. The sample was taken from the manager, the workers of the Tilisi Logistic Park and the businessmen. Stratified random sampling was used to determine the sample size of 171 respondents. Purposive sampling technique was used to collect primary data using questionnaires and interview schedule. Researcher performed Pearson's correlation and regression test to establish the relationship between variables under analysis. Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software, 25version. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used for quantitative analysis. Frequencies and percentages were used to provide descriptive statistics. Findings were presented in tables and figures and were applicable to the Ministry of Trade and Industrialization. The study revealed that variables studied were statistically and positively correlated to ICT operational efficiency on warehousing demand such as Tilisi Logistic Park. In addition, the study found out that the CT utilization influence operational efficiency on warehousing demand in Kenya. Hence, this study recommends that every warehouse and logistics firm should aim to ensure that management systems effectively automate their processes. Through this the way warehouses are handled can be greatly enhanced. This study therefore suggests the need to carry out researches on how stakeholders are utilizing ICT for efficient inventory management in on-demand warehousing and to determine loopholes to efficient utilization of ICT techniques for inventory management in on-demand warehousing.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleAssessing the Impact of Ict Operational Efficiency on Warehousing Demand in Kenya a Case of Tilisi Logistics Parken_US

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