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dc.contributor.authorNjoki, Fridah W
dc.description.abstractEnvironmental stress and armed conflict in the Sahel region and in particular Mali have been major causes of international concern. They have destabilizing effects on the political, economic, and social aspects of human life. The kind of environment that the present generation hands future generations is contingent on today’s global protection and conservation measures. This study set out to examine the drivers of environmental stress in the Sahel region; analyze how environmental stress contributes to conflicts in the Sahel region; and finally critique the effectiveness of the mechanisms used to manage environmental stress and armed conflict in the Sahel region. To achieve these objectives, the study used the environmental scarcity theory by Thomas Homer-Dixon; the theory states that there is a connection between violence and environmental scarcity. It focuses on three issues, the origin of scarcity, the consequences of scarcity, and the various types of conflicts that result. It identifies structural-induced, supply-induced, and demand-induced environmental circumstances that act as drivers of conflict. In its methodology, the study employed a mixed research design to reveal the behavior and perception of the target audience. Primary data was collected through the issuing of questionnaires while document analysis was used as a secondary method of data collection. In addition, a mixed method of data analysis was used to analyze the social circumstances in which environmental stress and armed conflicts occur. The findings of the study are that drivers of environmental stress vary from region to region but the effects are experienced by all. The Sahel is experiencing rising temperatures, droughts, famine, sand storms, floods, pollution, climate change, deforestation, over-exploitation of resources, habitat destruction, and other weather occurrences impacting the economic, political, social, and food security of Sahelian states. The impact will depend on the resilience measures in place. Secondly, Africa and Sahel in particular have experienced ongoing armed conflicts that hinder good governance which is essential in formulating environmental protection policies and their implementation. National power, ethnicity, ideology, and resources are the top causes of armed conflicts in Africa and finally, the management of environmental stress may currently be overshadowed by the immediate security concerns in the Sahel region. It may not be the priority due to scarcity of resources and other competing factors but it can be considered. Therefore, the study recommends Mali should overhaul the colonial governance organizations and effect democracy that responds to citizens' needs effectively, Address the political crisis by returning to civilian rule through free, fair, and transparent elections, Ensure fair distribution of resources and infrastructure, Create economic opportunities for the youths to reduce the likelihood of them getting recruited into insurgent groups and institutions of justice and mediation should be strengthened and respected to mitigate eruption of armed conflict.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectEnvironmental Stress, Conflicts, Sahel Region, Case Study, Malien_US
dc.titleEnvironmental Stress and Conflicts in the Sahel Region: a Case Study of Malien_US

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