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dc.contributor.authorKhamis, Abdulaziz A.
dc.identifier.citationMasters Of Business Administration (MBA) Degree, University of Nairobien
dc.descriptionA management research project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA), School of Business, University of Nairobien
dc.description.abstractStrategic planning is the process of determining the destiny of an organization and mapping the actions necessary to realize that goal. It involves seeking answers to the following critical questions: where are we? Where do we want to be? How can we get there? It is the process by which an organization conceives the future and takes the necessary steps to achieve that future. Strategic planning thus requires the setting of clear goals and objectives (Harrison, 1995). The objective of this research project was to establish the strategic planning processes and systems at Kenya Ports Authority. An interview guide was used to facilitate personal and in-depth interviews of the managing director and divisional managers at Kenya Ports Authority. This was a case study of Kenya Ports Authority (KP A). An in-depth and comprehensive inquiry was conducted on the strategic planning processes and systems at KPA. Primary data was collected using an interview guide and posing of mostly open ended questions. The questions were administered through personal interviews of the respondents. This was a qualitative study in which data was analyzed using content analysis. Strategic planning at Kenya Ports Authority follows an ordered process. Firstly the government of Kenya pronouncements and policies are reviewed and properly understood. Secondly an assessment of the internal and external environment is undertaken. This is closely followed by the design of the vision and mission statements. Then comes the phase of developing the strategy and crafting the strategic plan. Implementation of the strategic plan takes place immediately after this and continues throughout the year. Finally monitoring and evaluation of the strategic plan is triggered and goes on throughout the years. The study revealed that Kenya Ports Authority employs an unmistakably and distinctly formal strategic planning system. It also has in place a very structured and ordered system with the roles of the players clearly defined. The strategic planning system at KPA is decidedly top-down with most of the tasks being performed at the highest level of management. The research study findings point to the fact that Kenya Ports Authority has in place a coherent, seasoned and sound strategic planning process. The strategic planning process is acutely formalized and inherently structured. It is highly ordered and all the steps are somewhat predetermined and properly sequenced. It is abundantly clear that the strategic planning system at Kenya Ports Authority is unmistakably top-down.en
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleStrategic planning at Kenya Ports Authorityen
local.publisherSchool of Businessen

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