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dc.contributor.authorMuindi, Ndunda Michael
dc.identifier.citationMuindi Ndunda Michael. (2013). Institutional Factors Influencing Teachers’ Motivational Levels In Public Primary Schools In Likoni Division, Mombasa County, Kenya. A Research Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of Master of Education in Corporate Governance. University of Nairobi.en
dc.descriptionFull texten
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate institution factors influencing teachers motivation levels in public primary schools in Likoni Division, Mombasa county, Kenya. This study is significant because it is meant to mitigate low acheivmeent of results in Likoni Division compared to other divisions in Mombasa county despite having enough teachers in the division. This study used a descriptive survey design with a target population of 17 headteachers and 278 teachers in public primary schools in Likoni division, Mombasa county. This research sampled eight headteachers and 80 teachers from the 17 public primary schools by stratified sampling method. The main instrument in this study was self-completion questionnaire that was used to collect data for both headteahcers and teachers. The data was analysed separately, the questionnaire for headteachers had two parts. Part one had six demographic questions where the responses for each question was analysed in percentages and presented in tables, and figures. Part two of the headteacher’s questionnaire had also six questions on their role to improve motivation. These questions had Yes or No responses and headteachers’ responses for each question was analysed in percentage in tabular form. The teachers questionnaire had three parts. Part one had seven demographic questions where responses of each question was analyzed and presented in tables and figures. Part two of teachers questionnaire were analysed using a five point Likert scale. Part three of the teachers questionnaire had five open ended questions which were analyzed using thematic discussions. The initiative put in place by SMC and headteahcers indicated that SMC allocated monies to improve working conditions in public primary schools in Likoni Division, Mombasa county. 75 percent of headteachers agreed that SMC allocate money to improve working conditions and as a result influenced motivation positively. The findings on the amount of workload allocated by headteahcers was that 67 teahcers in Likoni were extremely satisfied with the amount of workload allocated by headteachers but it was not clear whether this translated into high levels of motivation. The findings on headteahcer supervision practices showed that 56 teachers strongly agreed headteachers supervision was effective and study concluded that Likoni teachers are satisfied with headteachers supervision but it is not clear if this translates to high level of motivation. The findings on career progression prospects was that 36 teachers strongly agreed with career progression prospects and this study concluded that teachers in Likoni strongly agreed that career progression prospects influence levels of motivation but it not clear whether this translates into high levels of motivation. This research study as made suggestions for further study to clarify the relationship between high workload and teachers motivation levels. It further suggests clarification of relationship between poor head teachers relationship and motivational levels and finally the study made suggestion to clarify the relationship between meaningful and long career paths and teachers motivation levels.en
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleInstitutional Factors Influencing Teachers’ Motivational Levels In Public Primary Schools In Likoni Division, Mombasa County, Kenyaen
local.publisherSchool of Educationen

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