Now showing items 1-20 of 2305

      (Analysis , Assess , Develop , Remedite , Awareness) [1]
      2-isometric [1]
      5,6‑dihydroxydamnacanthol‑pyranonaphthoquinone [1]
      A Big Data Analytics Architecture for Urban Transportation System-a Case for Nairobi City [1]
      A Business Intelligence System to Support Crime Management in Law Enforcement Agencies [1]
      A causal association of genetically predicted serum 25- hydroxyvitamin D concentrations on the odds of tuberculosis disease: A Two-sample Mendelian Randomization Study [1]
      A Comparative Analysis of unsupervised outlier detection methods for Data Quality Assurance [1]
      A comparative study of decision Tree and Naïve Bayesian Classifiers on Verbal Autopsy Datasets [1]
      A Data Security Implementation Model For Cloud Computing In Government Parastatals [1]
      A Data Security Implementation Model for Cloud Computing in Government Parastatals [1]
      A design of a surveillance system for highly sensitive establishments using wireless sensor network [1]
      A Framework for Adoption of Software Defined Wide Area Networks (Sd-wan) Within the Enterprises in Kenya. [1]
      A Framework Towards Digital Inclusion. [1]
      A Market Basket Analysis Model to Adress Visitors Cold Start Prediction Using Association Rules [1]
      A Mathematical model for the dynamics of dengue virus disease transmission in Mandera County-Kenya [1]
      A mathematical model for the effects of drug abuse in transmission of Hiv/aids in Turkana county. [1]
      A mixed strategy for vehicle valuation [1]
      A Mobile order management system for Small Businesses [1]
      A Model for Adoption of Chatbots in Kenya: a Case Study of Zuku Telegram Bot [1]
      A study of solar variability and its effects on Earth’s Climate [1]