The influence of institutional strengthening on service delivery in civil society organizations: the case of I choose life Africa
The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of institutional strengthening
on service delivery at a CSO called I Choose Life (ICL) - Africa based in Nairobi.
Based on literature, the concept of institutional strengthening could be achieved by
examining four key elements: governance, organizational structures, accountability
and institutional factors. The objectives of the study were: to determine the effect of
governance on service delivery at ICL-Africa; to establish the effect of organizational
structures on service delivery at ICL-Africa; to investigate the effect of institutional
factors on service delivery at ICL-Africa; and to determine the effect of accountability
structures on service delivery at ICL-Africa. Descriptive research design was used to
ascertain the influence of institutional strengthening on service delivery in the NGO.
Random sampling was used to collect data from a sample of 39 respondents
comprising of 12 management staff and 27 non-management staff. Pre-tested
structured questionnaires were designed and administered for data collection. The
responses were then entered into Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)
software for quantitative analysis. Descriptive and inferential statistics were
performed on the data to establish the dependency of the relationships between the
research variables. The findings confirmed that governance had a strong and positive
correlation with service delivery. Organizational structure and institutional factor
variables had positive correlations with service deliveries. Further, governance and
organization structure had significant relationships with service delivery. This implies
that changes in governance and organizational structure would influence change in
service delivery. Institutional factors did not have a significant relationship with
service delivery. The positive correlations between the three independent variables
and the dependent variables confirmed the research topic that institutional
strengthening can influence service delivery. To this end, the researcher observes that
there is a need to consider governance and organizational structure as important
aspects of institutional strengthening owing to their influence on the delivery of
services. The research study recommends that ICL-Africa ensures governance by
using appropriate assessment and accountability tools to align performance with
benchmarks for service delivery. The organization should consider networked
structures and partnerships as ways of enhancing service delivery through coordinated
effort and shared workload. Lastly, the NGO should promote ownership and ensure
professional behaviour of its employees. Further research is encouraged due to the
limited sample size and focus on one organization. Research on other ways of
strengthening CSOs for better services is encouraged.
Master of arts degree in project planning and managementPublisher
University of Nairobi
- Faculty of Education (FEd) [6020]