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dc.contributor.authorMunoru, Jane
dc.description.abstractInnovation and transformation in service delivery are taking place around the world as governments recognize the value that can be achieved by this — both in terms of desired policy outcomes and increased citizen trust in government. Some of the strategies being used to improve service delivery in the public sector include the use of citizen centred service delivery, the use of lean Six Sigma and the use of private sector management practices. In Kenya, various organisations in the public sector have been seeking to improve service delivery through different strategies. This study sought to establish the strategies adopted by KPLC to improve service delivery and to identify the challenges the company has faced in the process of implementing the strategies. Public services are a key determinant of quality of life that is not measured in per capita income. It is a particular challenge in Africa, given the low quality of service provision and the pressing needs of the poor. This study adopted a case study design where KPLC was the main focus of the study. For the purposes of this study, only primary data was used. Primary data was collected through the use of an interview guide structured based on the objectives of the study. The study sought to interview 10 individuals in senior management positions in the company. The collected data was analysed through the use of content analysis. The results reveal that some of the strategies adopted by the company include: the adoption of new public management practices, performance management, customer oriented practices, use of technology, social media as well as use of mobile technology. The study also reveals that employee resistance, corruption, poor technology and management reluctance are some of the main challenges facing implementation of these strategies. Innovation and transformation in service delivery are taking place around the world as governments recognize the value that can be achieved by this — both in terms of desired policy outcomes and increased citizen trust in government. Different organisations adopt different strategies to improve service delivery. The study also recommends that firms should implement the new public management principles which focus on implementing private sector practices in the public sector in order to compete favourably with their counterparts in the private sector. The study concludes that firms in the public sector are adopting strategies popular in the private sector in order to improve service delivery and survive in the dynamic and competitive business environment. The study also concludes that the implementation process is faced by challenges that need to be mitigated. The study recommends that there is need for Kenya Power and Lighting Company to adopt new public management principles for improved efficiency and service delivery to the customers. There is stillroom for further studies on strategies to improve service delivery in the public sector.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.titleStrategies Adopted By KPLC To Improve Service Deliveryen_US

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