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dc.contributor.authorNdungu, Agnes W.
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate school-based factors influencing pupils‟ performance in English at KCPE in public primary schools in Gilgil sub-county. The objectives of the study were to determine the extent to which availability of teaching and learning resources, academic and professional qualifications of teachers, teachers‟ attitudes and head-teachers‟ support in training and supervision of teachers influenced pupil‟s performance in English in KCPE at public primary schools in Gilgil sub-county. This study adopted descriptive survey design. The target population of this study was 68 public primary schools, 68 head teachers, 136 class seven and eight teachers of English and 3400 pupils in Gilgil sub-county. The subjects were sampled through simple random sampling and comprised of 21 public primary schools, 21 head teachers, 42 class seven and eight teachers and 680 pupils. Data was collected by use of questionnaires and interview schedule. On teaching and learning resources the study revealed that English teachers always used text books during teaching. The majority of the teachers never used radio or video tapes as teaching resources. The study further revealed that there are inadequate teaching and learning resources for English subject in public primary schools. The study also revealed that majority of the teachers were professionally qualified to teach at primary school level. This study therefore concludes that the school environment influences teaching and learning of English language thus influencing pupils‟ performance. English teachers are role models to their pupils in terms of spoken and written language and this has made a majority of the pupils enjoy learning. This study also concludes that the school factors and especially lack of facilities impact on the performance of the pupils. Therefore, school administration should prioritize the provision of facilities and resources needed for the implementation of English Language as soon as possible. The government should revitalize teacher‟s pre-service training by embracing modern technology and providing more in-service courses for teachers of English to keep them updated on changes in curricula and methods of teaching. The head teachers should also ensure that they create a programme in their respective schools that favors the English teachers to enable them cope with the unconducive conditions that may prevail against themen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectSchool-Based Factors Influencing Pupils’ Performance In Englishen_US
dc.titleSchool-Based Factors Influencing Pupils’ Performance In English At Kenya Certificate Of Primary Education In Public Primary Schools In Gilgil Sub-County, Kenyaen_US

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