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dc.contributor.authorMunavi, Anne, S
dc.description.abstractQuality management practices of competitive organization in the world are based on strategic models which are used to measure organizational performance. In schools, the processes of managing and controlling tools of quality remain unsatisfactory with most organizations shying away from it. The institutions mandated to improve quality in schools are equally unable to dictate the functions uniformly. It is a pertinent issue that is yet to be fully captured in the Education sector. The driving force of matters quality stems from identifying the barriers that incapacitate the process and how these factors can be rooted out. It is with this background therefore that the study sought to find out the factors that Influence Implementation of International Standards of Organization in Private Secondary Schools in Nairobi County: a case of Rusinga School. The study objectives were: to establish the Influence of top management commitmentment in the implementation of ISO in Private Secondary Schools in Kenya; to determine the Influence of resources on the Implementation of ISO in Private Secondary Schools in Kenya; to establish the Influence of organization culture on the Implementation of ISO in Private Secondary Schools in Kenya; and to establish the influence of monitoring and evaluation on the implementation of ISO in Private Secondary Schools in Kenya. Literature review defines implementation of International Standards of Organization as a processes that guide quality control based on the seven pillars (standards). It explores the extent to which four factors aforementioned are critical in the implementation. The study employed the use of descriptive research method where qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect data from the respondents. The design was justified as it allowed the researcher to observe the characteristics of the target population and ask questions on who, what, when and how. It also allowed for few instances of biasness and errors. The study used the Kreijen and morgan table to identify the sample size and a target population was drawn with respondents identied as 61 cosisting of 1 QMR, 4 heads of Department, 25 Core team members and 2 Finance members. Out of the 61 questionnaires distributed, 60 were returned. Preparation for data collection was done using a pretest which was then analyzed using Cronbach alpha statistics. with a determined lower limit of Cronbach 0.7. Data collection was conducted with the use of both close-ended and open-ended questionnaires, cleaned and tabulated. Data analysis employed quantitative analysis in addition to regression and correlation method of data analysis. Regression postulated analysis was engaged in this task to articulate the existing relationship between the two major variables; dependent and independent. Findings were presented using tables and summation of the thematic issues. The study found that Implemetation of ISO is greately impacted by top management commitment as they are the determinants of how the customers expectations are translated and met within a school. Resources were equally found to play a fundamental role in expediting the implementation of ISO as resources establish the quality of processes. Quality systems are effectively maintained and sustained if monitoring and evaluation is established and organization Culture equally plays a significant role in influencing the Implementation of ISO when the practices established within an organization complement the standards. The study recommended that private schools should establish mechanisms of execution early enough in order to ensure quality systems are effective and implanted within the school.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectFactors Influencing the Implementation of International Standards of Organization in Private Secondary Schools in Kenyaen_US
dc.titleFactors Influencing the Implementation of International Standards of Organization in Private Secondary Schools in Kenya: a Case of Rusinga Schools, Nairobi Countyen_US

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