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dc.contributor.authorOmuse, Fidelis O
dc.description.abstractThe Kenya national statistics on access, enrolment, retention, completion, transition and parity in education show that the country has made substantial gains in the education towards the achievement of millennium development goals (MDG). Despite this remarkable progress there is a disparity among Counties in terms of access, enrolment, retention, completion, transition and parity. There exists a gap between the national and specific regions in terms of transition of girls from primary to secondary school hence the need for the study. The purpose of the study was to investigate factors affecting the transition rate of girls from primary to secondary school in Amukura division, Teso South Sub County Busia County. The study examined various factors. The first was social cultural factors such as: early marriages, teenage pregnancies, preference for boy child, and performance of household chores and payment of dowry as source of wealth. Secondly, socio-economic factors: poverty, cost of secondary education; family economic background, lack of secondary schools and parental level of educational. Thirdly, the study examined the effect of school environmental factors such as: harsh school environment, sexual harassment by teachers, distance to the school, lack of school equipment and facilities on rates of transition from primary to secondary school. Finally the study investigated in what way do the political factors such as: local political will and patronage, disbursement of bursaries and support for school fees fundraising drive or harambee affect the rate of transition of girls from primary to secondary school in the area of study. This study is based on Maslow theory of hierarchy of needs. Abraham Maslow theory of hierarchy of needs states that human needs operate in a hierarchy of different levels of needs, from basic physiological needs to high levels needs of actualization. A conceptual framework which encompasses the major variables and their influence on the transition rates of girls from primary to secondary schools was also developed. The study used descriptive design and purposive stratified sampling. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the following categories of target population: girls in standard eight and form one head teachers, teachers, parents and other stakeholders (members of school board of management, ministry of education officials, Ward administrators and Members of County Assembly). A total of 12 primary and 3 secondary schools were sampled along 15 head teachers, 15 teachers, 66 girls, 45 parents and 13 other stakeholders. The study generated quantitative data that was analyzed in tables and figure in line with the objectives of the study. The findings were later analyzed thematically. The study established that social-cultural, socio-economic, school environment factors and socio- political factors affect the rate of transition of girls from primary to secondary school in the area of study in varying degrees as detailed in the report. It is hoped that the findings of the study will provide a body of literature that will help policy makers in the education sector to mitigate factors that affect the transition rate of girls from primary to secondary school. Based on the findings the study recommends need for political support of students from poor families and the active participation of the private sector especially in building private secondary schools to supplement the existing public secondary schools in the divisionen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleFactors affecting the transition rates of Girls from primary to secondary school in Amukura division of Teso South Sub-County, Busia countyen_US

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