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dc.contributor.authorMajalla, Righa Edelquine
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to know the influence of institutional programmes on job performance in Kenya: A case of civil registrar department in Kakamega County. Objectives of this study included; to determine how training influences job performance in civil registrar department in Kakamega County, to establish how economic resource influence job performance in civil registrar department in Kakamega County, to evaluate the extent to which organizational culture influences job performance in civil registrar department in Kakamega County and to access the extent to which work environment influences job performance in civil registrar department in Kakamega County. The study used descriptive survey design to explore the factors. The study used all the five civil registrar offices in Kakamega County. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires’ which had open and close ended questions from a sample of 220 respondents across the five centers. Data was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using computer package for social sciences (SPSS). The results were presented in form of frequency percentages. The study found out that training plays a key role in improvement of job performance with workshops having a more influence on job performance than indoors and seminars. The study also found out that economic resources are paramount for job performance but it should be availed to all centers and the budgetary allocation should be need based. The study also found out that organizational culture is the backbone of continuity in any organization for a positive job performance. The study found out that work environment plays an important role in terms of creating an enabling environment for job performance to be at its peak The recommendations made was that a skills gap analysis should be undertaken before training is conducted, budgeting should be done top down and all materials fairly distributed across staff, work habits and norms should be understood by all a work environment survey should also be conducted to identify both the hygienic as well as environmental factorsen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleInfluence of institutional programmes on job performance in Kenya: a case of civil registrar department in Kakamega Countyen_US

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