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dc.contributor.authorAteng, Dorothy
dc.description.abstractThe study sought to address the influence of project planning skills on implementation of entrepreneurship projects in Kenya with focus to Juakali sector in Kenya. The study objectives were to determine the effects of Technical skills, financial management skills, technology skills and workforce planning on implementation of entrepreneurship projects in Kenya. The study was of great benefit to the entrepreneurship projects in Nairobi County, Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development and Small and micro enterprises among others. The study was guided by Theory of Constraints. The Theory of Constraints takes a scientific approach to improvement. It hypothesizes that every complex system, including NGO project planning processes, consists of multiple linked activities, one of which acts as a constraint upon the entire system. The study used descriptive survey design. The study targeted Juakali Sector in Kenya Specifically with the help of Kenya National Federation of Jua Kali Association (KNFJKA). The study used stratified and simple random sampling technique to get respondents in the Jua Kali sector but in different specializations. The study used structured and semi structured questionnaires for data collection instruments. The instruments were tested to ascertain their validity and suitability in collecting the required data. The data collected was analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The analysis found that 82% of the respondents believed that technical skills affect the implementation of Jua-kali entrepreneurship projects in Kenya, 93% of the respondents believed that financial management skills were critical in the management of the Jua-kali sector and management of entrepreneurship projects in the Jua-kali sector, 79% of the respondents indicated that technology affects the entrepreneurship development among Jua-Kali sector and 81% of the respondents believed that workforce planning was very key in developing and advancement of performance of entrepreneurship of Jua-Kali projects in Kenya. The study concluded that technical skills are very critical in the management and development of entrepreneurship projects in Kenya, that Financial Management Skills are very important among the Jua-kali sector practitioners, technology should be given more focus in Jua-Kali Sector and That there should be better methods of managing workforce to ensure that those that don’t have skills gain skills and those that need to advance their skills. The study recommends that more skills should be impacted to the technical teams in the Jua-kali sector, that more banks should engage and partner with the Jua-kali sector not only to train on financial management, that more need to be done on technology and that more need be done like linking the universities and technical colleges with the Jua-kali and the Local artisans to ensure that they get staff and workforce from these colleges and both gain from class and field experience through interchange and exchange of workforce.en_US
dc.titleInfluence of project planning skills on implementation of entrepreneurship projects in Kenya: a case of Juakali Sector In Kenyaen_US

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