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dc.contributor.authorKituyi, Raphael Nakitare
dc.description.abstractThe study focused on the challenge of alcoholism in Siuna village and RCC’s response to it, in Kimilili Sub-county, Bungoma County. The study investigated the state of alcohol abuse in Siuna village and its effects on the people of Siuna village. The study analyzed biblical and RCC teachings about alcohol consumption and evaluated the success of RCC interventions in addressing alcohol abuse by showing the impacts of RCC responses. Adaptation theory by Stanton Peele and Bruce K. Alexander guided the research. The theory gives the basis through which one can be introduced to alcohol and eventually become an addict. One can be introduced to alcohol through social mechanism either from biological parents or relatives who are alcohol users or through communal drinking that involves traditional ceremonies accompanied with traditional brews. The theory also gives the basis through which drunkenness comes about, and it is by the effort of an individual to adapt to the internal and external urge of alcohol with the belief and expectation to experience and enjoy the known outcomes after drinking alcohol. The study sample size was 74 respondents and both open ended and closed ended questionnaires were used. Interviews and observation methods were also used in the collection of data. Inebriation has led to less number of congregants in St. Emmanuel Catholic Church leading to low financial support through tithing and offerings. 98 % of St. Emmanuel Catholic Church followers are aware of biblical teachings and RCC interventions put in place to help them avoid high usage of alcohol, but still level of alcohol abuse is high. The congregants have chosen to ignore the biblical teachings making little impact in responding to alcoholism problem in Siuna village. The situation of alcohol abuse is serious in Siuna village. Traditional ceremonies that are accompanied with a traditional brew like busaa have exposed individuals to alcohol easily. Although chang’aa is illegal, it is also secretly produced and consumed making the fight against illicit liquor to be difficult. In conclusion, St. Emmanuel Catholic Church in Siuna village has put measures in place such as guidance and counseling to help address alcoholism problem. Nevertheless, the church has not succeeded effectively because of lack of support from church members and leaders. This is because those entrusted to act as role models have contributed to the alcoholism problem by selling alcohol. The followers therefore find it problematic to adhere to the teachings on alcohol. This study recommends that RCC needs to consider initiating cultural day and alcohol day both featuring alcoholism as main theme to sensitize the community about use and miss use of alcohol. The church should also consider working with the local leaders, the community, and the police to support one another in addressing alcoholism problem. This can be done by use of billboard and posters, and conduct campaigns to caution people about alcohol abuse in Siuna villageen_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleRoman Catholic Church Response to the Problem of Alcoholism in Siuna Village Kimilili Sub-county in Bungoma Countyen_US

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