Now showing items 2021-2040 of 2052

    • Reproductive Health of Female Sex Workers in the Urban Informal Settlement of Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya 

      Ngugi, Elizabeth N (African Wildlife Foundation, NairobiDepartment of Community Health, University of Nairobi, Kenya, 2010)
      Female sex workers (FSWs) have long been recognized as important factors in the sub-Saharan HIV/AIDS epidemic. Because of their large number of sexual partners and high rate of partner change they may act as core groups ...
    • Communicatin with adolescents about AIDS: experience from Eastern and Southern Africa 

      Nduati, RW; Kiai, Wambui (IDRCDepartment of paediatrics, University of Nairobi, 1997)
      This book presents an assessment of HIV/AIDS communication tools aimed at the youth of eastern and southern Africa. The first half reviews the current status of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the region and its impact on youth ...
    • Biosensors in: Handbook of Food Safety Engineering 

      Mulaa, Francis (2011)
      Food safety engineering is an emerging multidisciplinary field of applied physical sciences combining engineering knowledge and skills with food microbiology and safety. It aims to develop various processing techniques and ...
    • Integrating men into reproductive health equation: 

      Muia, E; Olenja, J; Kimani, V.N; Leonard, A (1999)
      The idea of integrating men into the reproductive health equation is rapidly gaining currency and credibility, in part due to a shift in emphasis in the international donor community from pure family planning for demographic ...
    • Urban traditional medicine: a Nairobi case-study 

      Good, C.M; Kimani, V.N (1980)
      45 Kenyan traditional healers were interviewed with respect to the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. Traditional management of eye diseases is based on the healers' concept of the disease causation as well as their ...
    • Contraceptive use among women admitted with abortion in Nairobi 

      Ojwang, SBO; Omuga, B (School of Medicine, 1991)
      In this study, a total of 519 patients were interviewed. 82.5% had incomplete abortion. The implication of abortion especially when induced is emphasised. Economic implications that are contributed by the youth are stressed. ...
    • Adolescent sexuality 

      Odongo, FN; Ojwang, SBO (School of Medicine, 1991)
      Adolescent sexuality has become a major problem all over the world. This review paper describes the main problems encountered in Kenya with regards to adolescent sexuality. The role of the Government and some non-governmental ...
    • Determinants of Perinatal Mortaligy Hour and Day of birth and method of delivery at the central maternity 

      Lilian, W; Nasah, BL; Leke, RJI; Ojwang, SBO (School of Medicine, 1992)
      An audit of 381 hysterectomies performed over a 5 year period (1986-1990) was carried out. In order to assess justification of the indication for hysterectomy pre-operative diagnoses were divided into two groups: those ...
    • Rupture of gravid uterus 

      Lema, VM; Ojwang, SBO; Wanjala, SHM (School of medicine, 1991)
    • Human immunodeficiency virus in gestational trophoblastic neoplasias–is it a poor prognostic risk factor. 

      Ojwang, SBO (School of medicine, 1992)
      Three cases of HIV infection with choriocarcinoma are presented. One case had prolonged chemotherapy without remission, the second had remission only after combining hysterectomy with chemotherapy and the third who had ...
    • The histopathological patterns of skin conditions as seen at Kenyatta national hospital Kenya, over a ten year period 

      Kaggia, S.N; Zuriel, D (2012)
      The thigh is a common seat for tumours. Many histopathological types can arise there. Management challenges begin from the clinical diagnosis, to the surgery and ultimately the oncological therapy be it medical or radiation ...
    • Structural Analysis, Structural Design and Concrete Technology 

      Maimba, Patrick P (1997)
      This is a textbook on the structural analysis and design of highway pavements. It presents the theory of pavement design and reviews the methods developed by several organizations, such as the American Association of State ...
    • Engineering principles and practices on irrigation 

      Odhiambo, J.O; Majani, A.A (2003)
      The following are discussed: (a) sources and storage of irrigation water, (b) soil-water relations, (c) salt problems in soil and water, (d) consumptive use of water, (e) irrigation scheduling, (f) sprinkler and trickle ...
    • Management of eye conditions in developing countries among the new born in Huband, S. Hamilton Brown, P.and Berbar, G. Nursing and Midwifery: Apractical Approach 

      Odero, T. M. A.; Adala, HS (Macmillan UK PublishersDepartmnent of Medicine, College of Health Sciences, University of Nairobi, 2006-01)
      J. O. Midiwo, A. Yenesew, B. F. Juma, S. Dereses, J. A. Ayoo, A. Aluoch and S. Guchu There are several described medicinal plants in Kenya from a flora of approximately 10,000 members. Strong cross-medical information from ...
    • Arts For Personal Therapy 

      Onyango, Walter H (1995)
      Making art--giving form to the images that arise in our mind's eye, our dreams, and our everyday lives--is a form of spiritual practice through which knowledge of ourselves can ripen into wisdom. This book offers encouragement ...
    • Chemistry and its applications 

      Jumba, Isaac O; Likimani, T (Nairobi University PressSchool of education, 2001)
      PREFACE To reap the full benefit of any product available in the market, consumers should know the types of raw materials in the products, the way in which the products perform their job, and the precautions that need ...
    • Development of a Kenyan English Text To Speech System: A Method of Developing a TTS for a previously undefined English Dialect 

      Gakuru, Mucemi (2009)
      Bootstrapping techniques are an efficient way to develop electronic pronunciation dictionaries, but require fast system response to be practical for medium-to-large lexicons. In addition, user errors are inevitable during ...
    • Street Children and Employment Opportunities 

      Njeru, Enos H N; Njoka, John M. (1999)
      Although there is a general realization that there are "people" in the streets, we often take the phenomenon for granted probably because we wake up and go home only to come to the streets the following morning and still ...
    • Control System Analysis and Design 

      Mangoli, Maurice K.W (1995)
      This book emphasizes undergraduate topics and the use of CAD programs,while still providing a rigorous treatment of advanced topics and derivation techniques. It instills the basic principles of feedback control essential ...
    • HIV/AIDS in Kenya 

      Jaoko, Walter (Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Nairobi, 2004)
      MRC Human Immunology Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. The IFN-y enzyme-linked immunospot (ELI-Spot) assay is often used to map HIV-specific CD8 T-cell responses. We compared overlapping 15-mer pools with optimized ...