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dc.contributor.authorSuleiman, Hadiija M
dc.description.abstractThe objective of the study was to establish the implementation of disaster management strategies in secondary schools in Nairobi, Kenya. This research adopted a cross sectional research design. The population of study comprise secondary schools in Nairobi. The total number of secondary schools in Nairobi is 338 (ShuleZote 2018). For this study, the researcher used 20% of the target population of 338 secondary schools in Nairobi, giving the sample size of 60 secondary schools. The schools were selected using simple random sampling to reduce biasness. This study utilized primary data that was obtained by way of structured questionnaires. The questionnaires were issued to various heads of respective secondary schools. Descriptive statistics was done in this study to describe, indicate or summarize data in a meaningful manner such that patterns can develop from the data. The demographic data obtained from individual respondents enabled the researcher to comprehend the respondents setting and their capability to provide useful data. The general information sought from the respondents included the length of time they had worked in secondary school, their designation, role in the school and the number of years they had been in their current positions weather the schools have a strategic plan and the nature of disasters experienced. The study targeted a total of 60 Respondents who constituted of the sampled school heads in Nairobi, Kenya. Out of these, 59 respondents could be reached and completed the questionnaires while only one was not available to fill the questionnaires, hence the response rate of the study at 98%. The main objective of the study is to examine the implementation of disaster management strategies by secondary schools in Nairobi, Kenya. Based on the findings in relation to specific objective, the study concludes secondary schools in Nairobi have implemented basic disaster management strategies such as the maintenance of a school emergency kit, installation of reliable alarm system, acquisition of adequate first Aid kits, employment of school counsellors and installation of adequate fire extinguishers. The study recommends that schools should seek to acquire and implement disaster management strategies so as to improve safety standards within the schools. The study also recommends that schools should also seek to address other factors that contribute to increment of school disaster risk status such as continually building a culture of discipline within the schools to address the issue of high indiscipline among students, reduce resistance to change and foster commitment from the management. The study also recommends that schools should also be availed with adequate financial and technical resources to effectively carry out disaster management programs.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectDisaster Management Strategiesen_US
dc.titleImplementation of Disaster Management Strategies in Secondary Schools in Nairobi, Kenyaen_US

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