Headteachers' and teachers perceptions towards the characteristics of dropouts among pupils in upper primary in Nairobi province- Kenya
There is continued concern over the number of pupils who do not complete school
and graduate. The dropout problem has persisted consistently for a period of time.
This problem has attracted the attention of researchers and educators to seek
alternatives in an effort to reduce it and encourage pupils to remain in school until
they graduate. This study was set out to investigate characteristics of dropouts
among pupils in upper primary in Nairobi Province as perceived by the headteachers
and teachers. Second, the study investigated whether there was any significant
difference between headteachers' and class teachers' perceptions towards dropouts
on the specific selected variables: Socio-Demographic factors, Academic
Achievement and Personal Behaviour of dropouts Third, the study elicited
information and suggestions on how to solve the persisting problem of dropout
among pupils In public primary schools.
The literature related to this study was reviewed on areas related to the problem and
study content was discussed. These areas include primary education enrollments
and completion rates, causes and reason of education wastage among
pupils/students in schools and studies related to the problem content done in and
outside Kenya The concept of Educational wastage formed the theoretical
framework of this study.
The research design used was Ex-post facto. EX-post facto design was selected
because it was difficult to control some independent variables considered in the
study, because their manifestations had already occurred. Such variables include;
age, gender and dropouts.
The sample population of this study consisted of 80 headteachers in public primary
schools in Nairobi Province, 320 class teachers. 82 dropouts and 80
parents/guardians of dropouts However 260 class teachers responded and returned
completed questionnaires. This represented 81 per cent return rate while all
headteachers returned completed questionnares representing 100 percent return
The University of NairobiPublisher
The University of Nairobi College of Education and external studies
- Faculty of Education (FEd) [6022]