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dc.contributor.authorUwimbabazi, Leon FR
dc.description.abstractThis thesis is the key to good understanding of di erential geometry with para- Kenmotsu and Lorentzian Para- Sasakian structure and it is organized as follows. In chapter one, the preliminaries and de nitions are introduced, where, Manifolds, di erentiable structures, Riemannian Manifolds and Ricci ows are de ned. In chapter two the relevant literature is reviewed and Propositions and theorems proved in area are included. In chapter three, Ricci solitons on para- Kenmotsu Manifolds satisfying ( ; :)s:W8 = 0 and ( ; :)W8:S = 0 are discussed and we have proved that the Para- Kenmotsu manifolds satisfying ( ; :)W8:S = 0: are quasi- Einstein Manifolds and those satisfying ( ; :)S:W8 = 0; are Einstein Manifolds.Also it has been proved that the para- Kenmotsu manifolds with cyclic Ricci tensor and 􀀀 Ricci soliton structure are quasi-Einstein manifolds . In chapter four, Ricci solitons on Lorentzian Para- Sasakian manifolds satisfying ( ; :)s:W8 = 0 and ( ; :)W8:S = 0 are treated and it has been proved that Lorentzian Para- Sasakian manifolds satisfying ( ; :)s:W8 = 0 and having 􀀀 Ricci soliton structure are quasi-Einstein manifolds and those satisfying ( ; :)W8:S = 0 are Einstein manifolds. In chapter ve, we discuss Ricci solitons on Lorentzian Para- Sasakian manifolds satisfying ( ; :)s:W2 = 0 and ( ; :)W2:S = 0 and it was found that, Lorentzian Para- Sasakian manifolds satisfying ( ; :)s:W2 = 0 and having 􀀀 Ricci soliton structure are Einstein or quasi-Einstein manifolds according to the value of and : In Chapter six, results are discussed and the connection between Ricci solitons and Einstein metrics on Para- Kenmotsu and Lorentzian Para Sasakian Manifolds has been established.en_US
dc.publisheruniversity of nairobien_US
dc.subjectRicci Solitonsen_US
dc.titleOn Ricci Solitons as Quasi-einstein Metricsen_US

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