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dc.contributor.authorAhmed, Quresha Abdullahi
dc.description.abstractThe world’s increasing globalization requires more understanding concerning how people perceived organizational politics and how the employees can be engaged for increased production level in an organization. Upon considering challenges faced by politics in the organization, the aim of this study was to determine the influence of perceived organizational politics on employee engagement in International Rescue Committee. It became paramount to explore more on the solution to these problem of perceived organizational politics and the study focused on the following specific objectives; to determine influence of Organization’s Politics on employee engagement in International Rescue Committee, to establish influence of organization’s reputation on employee engagement in International Rescue Committee and to establish influence of organization’s resource management on employee engagement in International Rescue Committee. The study adopted a descriptive and correlation design where employees at different levels of the organization was considered and the population of the study was 150 employees in head office where the study used census where 150 employees were included within the organization, the tool that was used for data collection was Questionnaire and the model of the analysis was linear regression analysis, SPSS version 22.0 was used together with the excel sheet. The findings will of great use to different group of people including scholars, policy makers among others. The study found out that politics within organization disengaged employees from work, and also subject employees to job stress. Politics was also found to creating social classes and favors are according to political alignment. The study thus recommends that organizations should strive to stop or avoid politics by all means to avoid classes of social networks within the organization, will also help in eradicating misuse of power and authority for personal interest and also enhance equality. Organizational politics should not subject employees to job stress, employees should develop positive work attitude and there should not be unequal treatment or favors, Political good will should make it safer for the employees to feel engaged with the work and get satisfaction in their routine jobs. Study recommends further studies is in the state corporations where every activity, appointment leadership and outsourcing of the resources are perceived to be politically propelleden_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleThe Influence Of Perceived Organizational Politics On Employee Engagement At International Rescue Committee In Nairobien_US
dc.contributor.supervisorProfessor K’Obonyo, Peter

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