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dc.contributor.authorAbdihakim, Ibrahim
dc.description.abstractThis study investigated the challenges that translators face when translating Arabic financial text into English, with special focus given to Islamic banking financial terminologies. The study was driven by the need to find out the aspect of culture which impedes translation as a result of the lexical gap between Arabic and English and also to find out the commonly adopted strategies. Qualitative research method was used in the research. Arabic-English professional translators were identified to participate in rendition of Arabic financial text into English. The renditions were analyzed to see how translators tackled Islamic banking financial terminologies and if it had any impact on effective translation. The researcher also conducted interview with the respondents to gain insight regarding challenges faced and their causes. The study was anchored on two theories namely; Nida’s dynamic equivalence theory and Vermeer’s Skopos theory. After having gone through series of analytical process, the research established that translating Islamic banking financial terms pose a big challenge to translators, some of these challenges are; lack of equivalence, culturally inclined financial terms and inadequacy of the financial knowledge. The research also established that the way the rendition was carried out had an impact on accuracy and effective reproduction of the intended meaning. The findings unearthed the appropriate mechanisms and strategies which assist in renditions, these mechanism and strategies depends primarily on the target audience, if the target audience has background in Islamic finance then transliteration strategy can suffice but if the audience have little or no Islamic financial knowledge then transliteration and a bit of explanation was recommended. For the solutions to challenges encountered the researcher proposed the in-depth acquaintance of the target culture and equipping oneself with Islamic financial knowledge before rendition.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleThe Intricacies Of Translating Financal Terminoliogies From Arabic Into English: Case Of Islamic Banking In Kenyaen_US
dc.contributor.supervisorDr. Mweri, Jefwa G.
dc.contributor.supervisorMr. Gitonga, Josephat

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