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dc.contributor.authorMwangi, Mary N
dc.description.abstractThis study sought to investigate the influence of social media on the maintenance of romantic relationships among college students with a focus on undergraduate students of USIU Africa. The students selected were in their fourth year of study as they were about to complete their studies and enter the workforce and must have formed romantic relationships offline or online in their time of study in the university, consequently having experiences maintaining these relationships online due to proximity or other reasons. The objectives of the study were to; evaluate the influence of time spent on social media on the maintenance of romantic relationships of college students; assess the influence of the behaviour of gauging a partners‟ commitment on social media on the maintenance of romantic relationships of college students; investigate the influence of use of face to face apps for interaction on social media on the maintenance of romantic relationships of college students; investigate the influence of how gender differences in the use of on social media has on the maintenance of romantic relationships of college students. The study used the Anthony Giddens theory of Modernity and Self-Identity and Social Conflict Theories to explain the influence of social media on romantic relationships. The researcher used the descriptive research design with both quantitative and qualitative data collection from the respondents and key informants. A questionnaire was used for quantitative data while an in-depth interview guide was used for qualitative data. The study population target was fourth year undergraduate students in a romantic relationship between the ages of 18-25 who are also among the highest consumers of social media. A sample size of 100 respondents was proportionately selected to represent both genders. From the findings the researcher can state that maintenance of romantic relationships on social media is a common phenomenon due to the introduction of technology and its influence on the way we live now is stunning to behold. With online dating and maintenance of relationships online being a new phenomenon, it means we have not yet had a chance to reflect on how it is changing our developing country for both good and bad. The study established that when relationships are maintained online, the frailty of human bonds increases with the ease of which online relationships can be formed and terminated. From the study it was realized that a lot of partners use social media to monitor and surveil their partner‟s behavior without their consent or knowledge. This has led to comparison of their relationships with others and the increase of conflict in relationships due to the pressure to conform to the societies‟ online standards. Some partners who have dissolved their relationship online felt that it may be easier because there is no physical interaction leading to lack of responsibility when it comes to handling their partner‟s feelings. From the study it was realized that the use of social networking sites and face to face applications as a substitute for personal interaction in romantic relationships has resulted in deteriorating relationship quality and decreases intimacy among those maintaining their romantic relationships online. This study recommends that for those students using social media to maintain their romantic relationships, it is important to keep private information about their relationship away from the public. This will help save the partners from possible trauma should the relationship end. The study also recommends that individual should have personal boundaries and be discrete on what they post on social media because it exposes their relationship and can be a source of backlash, hate and even insecurity to them from those who come across their profiles and have malicious intentions.This study further recommends that future research could include an in-depth investigation focusing on the effects of social media use and misuse in marriage and adult relationships.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleThe Influence of Social Media on the Maintenance of Romantic Relationships Among College Students: a Case of Undergraduate Students in the United States International University- Africaen_US

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