Telediagnostic: Specimen Matching and Retrievalfor Medical Diagnosis
Effective management of medical disaster outbreak requires reliable diagnosis of ailing
people and a trained physician to interpret the data in order to give the correct guided
treatment. In many developing countries such as Kenya, bringing these two components
together - reliable data and trained physicians has been a tremendous challenge.
The main objective of this project was to develop a prototype of an image matching
application for efficient content-based retrieval of visual data from digital sources. Using
Oracle 109 database technology, a pattern comparison of the raw gathered images was to
be stored and compared with a bench marked known image using a threshold based
Euclidean distance (attributes, color, texture, and shape).
This application demonstrated the possibility of computerizing the diagnosis of major
diseases that may require discerning human eye, microscopic observation or through
digital medium. Using a camera of a cell phone turned into a clinically quality light
microscope or USB microscope, the captured images of patient blood samples can be
download into a computer for evaluation through this intelligent content-based pattern
matching application. The results are then given with minimum pathologist intervention.
The cell-phone microscopy device enables visualization and capture of specimens for
Master of Science in Information SystemsSponsorhip
University of NairobiPublisher
University of Nairobi School of Computing and Informatics