Agent-Based Remote File locator in a virtualized environment
Users continue to be overwhelmed by massive amount of information spread across the
network with which they are confronted on a daily basis. Most network operations
continue to use client server technology which has effects on bandwidth. Due to this,
mobile agents promise a bright future in distributed systems because of their ability to
reduce network bandwidth. This project shows how mobile agent can be used in
distributed environment to connect to a computer residing In a remote location
allowing the user to search for files, delete, and copy files without compromising on
The main objective of this project is to implement a method that uses mobile agents in a
networked environment. The implementation consists of a control server that disperses an
agent to a remote computer allowing the user to manipulate data as if in a local computer.
A comparison of the performance is made between this approach and the traditional
client server model. The results show that significance performance is obtained using
mobile agents.
Virtualization being a new technology, many companies are moving to this realm due to
the benefits that comes with it. This project has been implemented on a virtual
environment to show that mobile agents can be used in situations where operations are
running on virtual platform in a distributed environment.
Masters of science in computer scienceSponsorhip
University of NairobiPublisher
University of Nairobi School of Computing and Informatics