Now showing items 11-20 of 30
Minimizing hydrological impacts of smallholder drainage development
(University of Nairobi,, 2000)
A review of available literature on the hydrologic impacts of drainage is presented and management practices that reduce such impacts are identified. Factors that influence the impact of drainage include land use, soil ...
Land and water management for sustainable agricultural production.
(University of Nairobi,, 2000)
The constraints on land use and water resources for sustainable agricultural production in Kenya were assessed during May to September 1992 using questionnaires and personal interviews along with existing secondary data ...
Intake sedimentation: a case study of JKUAT intake
(University of Nairobi,, 2000)
A model of the Ndarugu riverbank intake, Kenya, was used to test various possibilities of weir construction. It was found that by narrowing the river near the intake to increase velocity, sedimentation was drastically ...
Effects of phosphorus supply on the growth and nodulation of cowpeas.
(University of Nairobi,, 2000)
The effects of P supply (0, 20, 40, 80, 160 and 320 kg/ha) on growth and nodulation of cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata) cv. Vita 4 and Ife Brown grown in a podzolic soil (Haplustult) was studied in a greenhouse trial. The seeds ...
Biological and water-harvesting measures for gully control
(University of Nairobi,, 2000)
The Arpolo gullying control project in the West Pokot Region of Kenya is described. This is an example of conservation work done to protect the Arpolo dispensary which cost >KES350,000 to put up and serves about 3,000 ...
Influence of dwarf shrubland vegetation communities on soil loss, organic matter and soil texture: a northern Kenya experience.
(University of Nairobi,, 2000)
The effect of wind erosion in areas subjected to continuous pastoral use compared with the effects of rangeland rehabilitation in areas subjected to natural recovery were studied at four sites in eco-climate zone VI in the ...
The effect of variations in maize stover placement on maize growth and nitrogen uptake in continuous maize cropping systems in two regions of Kenya.
(University of Nairobi,, 2000)
Stover placement (surface mulch, incorporated or a mixture of mulch and incorporation) was compared with stover removal in the presence and absence of 50kg N fertilizer/ha in trials over two successive seasons in continuous ...
Impacts of land-use practices on natural forests and watersheds in the lake Nakuru catchment basin.
(University of Nairobi,, 2000)
Trends in land use practices in the Lake Nakuru catchment area and, in particular, the causes and impacts of deforestation, which threaten the lake's unique ecology. It addresses the importance of natural forests for the ...
New ways of water development for pastoral areas: experiences from southern Marsabit district.
(University of Nairobi,, 2000)
During the last 40 years, water development in the southern Marsabit District of Kenya concentrated mainly on drilling boreholes and constructing large dams and pans which are difficult to maintain without financial aid. ...
Effect of micro-catchment size on survival and growth of two semiarid tree species.
(University of Nairobi,, 2000)
The effects of three different micro-catchment sizes on survival and growth of plant species was assessed and success in establishment and growth of Croton megalocarpus and Cassia spectabilis was compared in a semi-arid ...