Determinants of completion rates of bachelor of education students,external degree programm: Preliminary findings of a tracer study, University of Nairobi 1986-1966 cohort
The purpose of this tracer study was to identify factors that led to successful completion of External Degree Programme by the 1986-96 cohort and constraints that hindered successful completion of the course were identified. The tracer study established that the individual learners ' family support during the study, availability of the study units, and counselingfrom peers led to completion of the degree course. On the other hand constraints that hindered completion of the course included conflict with students' employment, inability to pay fees, and low motivation to study. The need to engage student counselors and to establish an in-house Monitoring and Evaluation Unit in the Faculty was suggested by the respondents.
Journal of Faculty of Education (FJFE) Number 1, 2002Sponsorhip
University of NairobiPublisher
School of education
- Faculty of Education (FEd) [1040]