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dc.contributor.authorAduol, F. W. O.
dc.description.abstractWhitehead (1967:4) defines the term “Education is t he acquisition of the art of the utilization of knowledge.” The universities are those institutions that teach learners the art of the utilization of knowle dge. For this to be achieved, goals and objectives are set in such a way that at a certain time 3 or 4 years, an individual is said to acquire the basic art at u ndergraduate level. If still interested, the individual can continue to higher l evels. This basic level and other levels above it are referred as higher educa tion. In this paper, the term university will be used to refer higher education. The art of the teaching and learning process requir es the appropriate media to communicate the curriculum content in this paper, the term communication simply refers to the art of sending o r receiving messages. Development of any nations depends on the participa tion of its human resources. This need well qualified personnel to handle all matters pertaining to her specific needs. Education in deve loping countries has expanded tremendously from few secondary schools at independence to the vast numbers that we have today. Most of the Africa n countries had either one or two universities at independence or none at all. However, this trend has changed and the countries can be congratulated for making sure that their people/citizens have access to higher educationen
dc.titleFinancing public universities in Kenya: a model based on rationalised student unit costs and staffingen

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