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dc.contributor.authorOkumu, Judith
dc.description.abstractTeenage pregnancy is a world disaster, and it has become a major concern to both developing and developed countries all over the world. Teenage pregnancy cases are very high in Kenya, and it seems to be increasing every day in our schools. It is a concern to all people in Kenya not leaving out politicians who have shown interest over it y coming out through media condemning the act of early pregnancy amongst our teenagers. Childbearing and early pregnancy are common in Kenya. Approximately 25 percent of Kenyan women give birth under the age of 18 years where ate this age children are still in schools and majorly secondary schools. The re-entry act of pregnant girls in the school system is also continuing to get criticized by society. Society discriminated pregnant girls in school and the young mothers who are back in school, for they say that they influence others in the act and promote teenage pregnancy in schools. This adolescent pregnancy continues every day in schools because, after every school break, not less than three girls come back to school pregnant, so the question goes, who is responsible for these pregnancies? Are parents not watching over their children or schools should introduce another law that restricts girls in school? Therefore, this study is designed to investigate the impact of teenage pregnancy in the Ukwala ward in Siaya County. A total sample of 50 respondents was used for the study. Questionnaire; observation and interview were used to collect data for the research. Looking at the effects of teenage pregnancy, it is clear that the girls face stigmatization, ridicule, and neglect from parents and teachers' abuse. The study also reveals that teenage pregnancy has a great effect on education and affects the girls' future and the economic development of a country. It also revealed that adolescent pregnancy also contributes to girls' poor performance in school and final exams. The study also showed that most underage mothers terminate their education for fear of shame, stigmatization, and ridicule from the school and society and being rated as ill-mannered children. The study also discover that the environment and media had a significant impact on early pregnancy among girl students in high schools. The study therefore suggests that teenage mothers should be given another chance in life .we should not judge them because others got it through rape and assault. They should be counselled by their guidance and counselling teacher to give them strength and hope of continuing with education and getting bright future. Counselling will also help in their job skills and psychosocial development that will help them after their schooling and life ahead.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectTeenage Pregnancyen_US
dc.titleEffects of Teenage Pregnancy on the Academic Performance of Girls in Secondary Schools in Ukwala Ward, Ugenya Sub County Siaya County, Kenyaen_US

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