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dc.contributor.authorKaroki, Agnes, S
dc.description.abstractOrganizations exist in order to fulfill the purpose for which they were established. The goals are achieved by teams working around set objectives and rules. An informal group is defined by common interest, proximity and friendship. Informal organization is defined as social personal interactions among people at the work place that develop to satisfy social needs and sentiments of workers. Informal groups are fortified but restrained in many establishments so as to encourage staff job satisfaction in the establishment’s atmosphere. Informal groups have both advantages and disadvantages. This enquiry pursued to institute the consequences of informal groups on organizational operations in the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of Government- Lari Sub County. This enquiry assumed a quasi-experimental design. A quasi experiment is a type of research design where data is collected in two phases: the baseline and a follow up (end line) survey. This report is instrumental in answering the pertinent research question and in meeting the goals of the enquiry. Outcomes of the enquiry showed that the items used to represent informal group constructs were fit for use in the model as evidenced by the outcome of model fitness test. The Independent sample test for pre-test and post test showed that indeed informal groups contributed to organizational performance in a positive manner as the mean was higher for post-test as compared to that of pretest results. In addition, results indicated that the contribution of informal group constructs as assessed in this study had a statistically significant result on organizational performance. Of the three constructs, informal group’s norms and leadership were found to have statistical significance on organizational performance at Lari Sub-County. In line with the conclusions, the following recommendations were made; it is recommended that the Ministry of Interior and Co-ordination of National Government need to consider informal groups contribution towards organizational performance. This can be done by fostering such activities like team building activities, sponsoring outdoor activities and promoting cohesiveness among employees through activities such as having meals together and establishing welfare kits at the work stations.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectEffect of informal groups on organizational performance: a case study of ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government, Lari Sub Countyen_US
dc.titleEffect of informal groups on organizational performance: a case study of ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government, Lari Sub Countyen_US

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