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dc.contributor.authorWambui, Evelyn
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of this study was to explore the consumption of podcasts among users of the internet within the County of Nairobi. The study is informed by two theories i.e. the uses and gratifications theory also referred to as the motivation and reward for media consumption and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to explain the levels of gratifications as well as the perceived usefulness and ease of use of podcasts among smart phone users in Nairobi County. For purposes of this study, an explanatory design for research was utilised and the specific location of the study was Nairobi County. The target population for this study was 2,100,763 Nairobi residents who, according to the Kenya Population and Housing Census Report (November 2019), have access to the internet. For this research, a sample size of 384 respondents was chosen based on Krejcie & Morgan in their 1970 table. Snowball sampling as part of a convenience sample was used as a sampling technique. The researcher started by identifying a few people who were willing to take part in the study. After they had participated in the study, the researcher requested them to refer them to their friends who they thought/knew were using the internet to listen to podcasts. This went on until 384 respondents were reached. The study made the use of questionnaires to collect the data from the primary sources. The data collected which was quantitative in nature was then coded and entered into the specific data analysis tool; statistical packages for social scientists (SPSS Version 24) after which the entered data was analyzed through descriptive statistics. This study found that the majority (54%) of the respondents had subscribed to a podcast whereas 46% had not even though they listened to them. The findings concluded that a large number of the respondents were listening to podcasts as shown by the majority 71% whose response were to the affirmative. It was clear that the potential of podcasts with the current widespread internet access is very high based on the high mean scores generated for the specific statements measuring this objective. For instance, the popularity of podcasts increased when more consumers gained access to smart phones and Wi-Fi connected devices. The study concluded that the podcasts received by respondents are only listened to a level that is above average by most of the respondents. The study finally revealed that the respondents’ preference for other forms of media over podcasts was not high. The study recommended that with improved internet access, acquirable production tools spurning creativity, innovative applications and exemplars and ease in usability, podcast compositions are a viable way to disseminate information to an audience. Therefore, content creators are encouraged to find innovative ways to incorporate issues using credible podcast compositions to expand and unleash creative potential. Also, marketers and businesses looking for new avenues and ways of reaching their potential clientele can use available insights to explore potential audiences, infrastructure, trends and commercial opportunities.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectConsumption of podcasts among internet users in Nairobi Countyen_US
dc.titleConsumption of podcasts among internet users in Nairobi Countyen_US

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