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dc.contributor.authorKimani, Rachu G
dc.description.abstractCreativity in the PSV context would imply the alteration in appearance and utility of a matatu to include different body design, vibrant colors and music systems. Legislation was enacted to standardize the appearance of all matatus to eliminate elaborate music systems and graffiti from all matatus. There are numerous body fabricators who are at the core of the matatu creativity in the PSV sector. They come up with the intricate designs that entrepreneurs in the sector pay additional cost. Investors on the PSV industry are also willing to pay more for the creativity. Purpose of the study was establishment of the effect of creativity on entrepreneurial performance of Kenyan public service SACCOs with a bias towards public service vehicles plying the Nairobi – Ongata Rongai route 125. The study approach was based on the Schumpeterian theory of entrepreneurship and the four-stage creativity process advanced by. Descriptive research was utilized. The target population were the matatu SACCOs plying the Ongata Rongai- Nairobi route The specific respondents were the route staff - managers, route managers, drivers and conductors operating within the SACCOs who operate the public service vehicles and interact with the commuters on a daily basis. The sample of 50 SACCO staff who were chosen using simple random sampling. Primary data was acquired by use of questionnaires which were self-administered. To ensure accuracy in data analysis, raw data obtained from questionnaire was scrutinized, coded, organized and edited. For analysis, statistical package for social sciences was used to produce graphs and tables presented in descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviation. Inferential statistics such as correlation and regression models were also used in the study. The study found that creativity has a positive effect on the entrepreneurial performance of public transport SACCOs of Ongata Rongai Kajiado County in Kenya. The study recommends among other items that the government and investors to continue to allow and use creativity in the PSV sector to promote its entrepreneurial performance. The study recommends the transport ministry of the government in association with the NTSA formulate policies that allow creativity in public service vehicles to increase the entrepreneurial performance of the entire industry. The should also be used in benchmarking the specific items of creativity that may be best used for optimal effect such as external paint since there could exist to some extent contravention of the law. The study industry players embrace creativity in their fleets as factor to improve their entrepreneurial performance. The study recommends that the government through NTSA, SACCO operators , investors in the Kenya public transport through the matatu owners and operators associations plus PSV fabricators engage in consultation over the effect of creativity on their industry . The study also recommends that public SACCO operators to also consider the role or pricing , customer service and safe driving being other variables that can boost their entrepreneurial performance.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectEntrepreneurial Performance of Public Transporten_US
dc.titleEffect of Creativity on Entrepreneurial Performance of Public Transport Saccos in Ongata Rongai, Kajiado County in Kenyaen_US

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