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dc.contributor.authorChebett, Norah, G
dc.description.abstractThis study sought to investigate the socio-economic impact of cash transfer programme on the livelihood of beneficiaries in Kainuk, Turkana County. It was steered by the following terms : to examine the types of CTP being administered and its effectiveness on the livelihood of beneficiaries at Kainuk in Turkana County, investigate challenges experienced when conducting CTP in Kainuk , Turkana County and the last objective is to access the measures that can be used to improve cash transfer programme in Kainuk, Turkana County. The research applied theory of change and management system theory. It used both mixed method approach and descriptive survey to gather data which was the best method as a wide range of data was required for triangulation and analysis. The project utilized primary and secondary data, SPSS was used in analyzing of qualitative data. This data was analyzed according to various themes and descriptions. According to this study finding, there are two types of cash transfer programmes administered in Turkana County: conditional and unconditional cash transfer programme. Conditional cash transfer has pre-requisitions that have to be fulfilled for a beneficiary to enjoy a privilege whereas unconditional cash transfer is open and does not have any restrictions attached to it, giving a beneficiary the free will to prioritize on their own needs . Most beneficiaries prefer unconditional cash transfer as it does not have any restrictions and that it is effective for their socio-economic wellbeing. Some of the challenges experienced include: delay in payment, diversion of cash, theft and fraud, logistical constraints and biasness in the targeting process. The challenges faced can be counteracted by putting of proper payment mechanisms so that cash can be regular and not delay, embracing the use of digital cash to reduce on fraud and theft and proper targeting of beneficiaries for inclusivity .In conclusion for the impact to be much more effective communication between stakeholders to be enhanced, challenges that beneficiary’s often face to be addressed and other types of service delivery methods to be included to complement cash transfer. The study recommends that cash issued should align with the size of the family, timelines to be observed when issuing out cash, public participation at all levels of the project, improvement in targeting criteria and strengthening of the programme coordination process.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectThe Socio-economic Impact of Cash Transfer Programme on Livelihood of Kenyans: Case Study of Beneficiaries in Kainuk, Turkana Countyen_US
dc.titleThe Socio-economic Impact of Cash Transfer Programme on Livelihood of Kenyans: Case Study of Beneficiaries in Kainuk, Turkana Countyen_US

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