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dc.contributor.authorPako, Sarambe
dc.description.abstractIn the context of postmodern identities ´question becomes more and more important. It is difficult to find a stable identity because of social change due to phenomenon like migration and globalization. Among the identities´ problem most of people are face with is due to their sexual orientation, their origin and their main color. Because of their differences to the other, they are discriminated in the society. When these differences are known by all or the majority of people, they become a stigma. It has an effect on different interactions between people because it leads to their stigmatization. The presence of known has an effect; it is spoiled identities. Erwin Goffman (1963/2003) considers spoiled Identities like identities that don´t regard the social norms. The concerned groups of people are homosexual, drunkard and HIV-infected persons. This thesis has as objectives to describe spoiled identities in the novel “Alle Tage” (Day in Day out) of Terézia Mora. She is German- Hungarian Author that wrote many short texts und novels. This novel was written and published at the year 2004 und the most important topic is the problem of our postmodern society: the lack of self-confidence, the confusion of human being due to the migration and the new challenges such as minorities’ discrimination, migration and globalization. All these problems are summarized as the identity’ challenge in the novel. This problematic is individual and social because it can be linked with a person or a social group. The main character of the novel Abel Nema is a migrant that came from East Europe to Western because of the war in his country. He is rejected by the society of his own country because he is deserter and homosexual. The structural psychoanalytic of Lacan has been used in order to explain the behaviors of the characters and the nature of their relationship. The interaction´s theory has been used too with the objectives to describe the impact of stigma on the identities and the relationships. It is to conclude that stigma leads to spoiled identities. The main character tries to face with the problem with the technical management proposed by Goffman (hiding or compensate). However, the main character couldn´t manage his identity´s crisis. As result, he cannot construct a stable identity. This study is intercultural and actual because it explores a domain as identity that is always actual and is a topic of intercultural literature.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectKey words: stigma, spoiled identities, stigmatization, discrimination, migration and intercultural literature.en_US
dc.titleDie Figuration Von Beschädigten Identitäten Zur Darstellung Der Binarität Und Mehrsprächigkeit in Den Identitätsdestruktions – Und Rekonstitutionsprozessen Eine Kulturen_US

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