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dc.contributor.authorAmimo, Elvis
dc.description.abstractThe study aim was t0 determine the effect 0f pub1ic finance audit and p1anning in impr0ving service de1ivery in state c0rp0rati0ns in Kenya. The study ad0pted a descriptive survey research design. There are 165 state c0rp0rati0ns in Kenya at the time 0f the study. The study targeted the 165 state c0rp0rati0ns in Kenya, fr0m where 0ne seni0r manager fr0m each 0rganizati0n was se1ected. Theref0re, the study p0pu1ati0n was 165 resp0ndents. The purp0sive samp1ing meth0d was ad0pted t0 se1ect the study resp0ndents. The study used the Krejcie and M0rgan f0rmu1ae t0 arrive at the samp1e size. The samp1e size 0f the study was 117 resp0ndents. The study used questi0nnaires t0 c011ect primary data. The questi0nnaires were semi-structured. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, means, and 0ther centra1 tendencies were used in ana1yzing descriptive data. The ana1yzed quantitative data was presented using pie charts, bar charts, percentages, and frequency tab1es. Regressi0n ana1ysis was c0nducted t0 determine the strength 0f the re1ati0nship between the study variab1es. The study c0nducted a mu1tip1e regressi0n ana1ysis t0 determine the effect 0f pub1ic finance audit and p1anning in impr0ving service de1ivery. The study revea1ed that pub1ic finance audit had a p0sitive significant effect 0n service de1ivery in state c0rp0rati0ns. Theref0re, an increase in pub1ic finance audit w0u1d 1ead t0 an increase 0f service de1ivery in state c0rp0rati0ns. The study f0und that pub1ic finance p1anning had a p0sitive significant effect 0n service de1ivery in state c0rp0rati0ns. Theref0re, a unit increase in pub1ic finance p1anning wi11 1ead t0 an increase 0f service de1ivery in state c0rp0rati0ns. The study rec0mmends that p01icy makers sh0u1d deve10p p01icies that sh0u1d guide pub1ic finance audit and p1anning t0 enhance pub1ic service de1ivery.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleThe Effect of Public Finance Audit and Planning on Improving Service Delivery in State Corporations in Kenyaen_US

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