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dc.contributor.authorMunyasi, Faith N
dc.description.abstractStrategic leaders are termed as the focal point for better organizational performance. Strategic leadership promotes the culture of inquiry and allows the employees to learn from their mistakes and failures. Through good leadership, employees can work better thus improve their performance. Determining how strategic leadership impacted employee performance in Kenyan government ministries was the aim of this study. The study, which employed a cross-sectional research approach, concentrated on all 21 government ministries in Kenya. The respondents were in charge of the departments of strategy or human resource management. the department of strategy or human resource management managers provided the study's principal sources of data. Before analysis, the data was carefully examined to make sure it was accurate and comprehensive. Regression analysis was used to determine the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable. The study found out that strategic leadership (strategic direction, organization resource portfolio, strategic planning and forecast, and corporate communication) was a key factor in ensuring employee performance. The results of the regression analysis also showed that the organization resource portfolio has a significant and favorable impact on the employee performance in government ministries, indicating that an increase in the organization resource portfolio will result in an improvement in employee performance. Further research revealed that strategic planning and forecasting significantly affected employee performance in government ministries; as a result, an increase in strategic planning and forecasting would improve employee performance in government ministries while maintaining all other variables constant. In government ministries, an increase in corporate communication would result in higher employee performance while keeping all other variables constant. According to the survey, government ministries should place more emphasis on strategic direction to prevent personnel turnover. The study also recommends that government ministries should have more organized ways of handling government resources. Strategic planning and forecasting should be streamlined to ensure up to date approaches are used. Communication flow should be improved for better employee performance in the ministries. This study only looked at three factors on strategic leadership, that is, strategic direction, organization resource portfolio, strategic planning and corporate communicationen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectEmployee Performance in Government Ministries in Kenyaen_US
dc.titleInfluence of Strategic Leadership on Employee Performance in Government Ministries in Kenyaen_US

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