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dc.contributor.authorMbogo, Lulu K
dc.description.abstractIn today's fiercely competitive environment, most local organizations have only one choice to develop and implement strategies that will spur organizational growth or die. Strategy implementation is complex; it is energy-consuming and tedious. Individuals iassociated iwith iit iconcur ithat iit iis iprudent ito iengage iin iprocedure idefinition irather ithan iput iit iinto iaction. iIn iemerging ieconomies, ithere ineeds ito ibe imore itheoretical iand iempirical iresearch ion ithe ilink ibetween istrategy iimplementation iand ithe iperformance iof ilocal inon-governmental iinstitutions. iThe istudy's iobjective iwas ito iassess ithe ieffect iof istrategy iimplementation ion ithe iperformance iof ilocal inon-governmental iorganizations iin iTharaka iNithi iCounty, iKenya. iThe istudy iwas icarried iout ion ithe iselected iLocal iNGOs iin iTharaka iNithi iCounty, iKenya, iand itargeted ithe ileaders iof ithese iorganizations. iThe istudy iadopted ia icross-sectional isurvey idesign. iPrimary idata iwas icollected ivia iquestionnaires iusing ithe i"drop iand ipick" imethod. iThe iquestionnaires iwere iself-completed iand icollected iwithin itwo iweeks iof idelivery. iThe idata iwere ianalyzed iusing iboth idescriptive i& iinferential istatistical imeasures. iDescriptive istatistics iincluded: ifrequencies, ipercentages, imean iscores, iand istandard ideviations. Inferential statistics was done using regression analysis to determine the relationship between the independent and dependent variables under study. The study findings revealed that most organizations allocated financial resources towards strategy implementation, issued adequate resources to implement new strategies, and involved and trained staff in strategy implementation. The local NGOs in Tharaka Nithi had the leadership capability to manage to fund. On institutionalization of strategies, the study found that the goals and objectives of the organization were made clear to all and that new strategies were communicated to all employees. They also had a performance recognition system in place, which was linked to new strategies. From the study, it was evident that operationalization and institutionalization of the strategies both statistically and significantly influenced the performance of the local NGOs in a positive way.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleStrategy Implementation and Performance of Local Non-governmental Organizations in Tharaka Nithi County, Kenyaen_US

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