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dc.contributor.authorMwela, Esperanza, K
dc.description.abstractThis study focused on the portrayal of masculine ideology on the digital landscape, focusing on the case study of the masculinity Saturday hashtag on Twitter. The particular objectives were: to identify and describe the portrayal of men’s oppression in the #masculinitysaturday movement; to identify the masculine ideals championed by the #masculinitysaturday movement; to identify and describe the strategies used in legitimizing the proposed masculine ideals in the #masculinitysaturday movement. This work was underpinned by the theories of Hegemonic Masculinity and Technological Determinism and the extensive works surrounding Men’s Rights Movements and masculinity. Using a qualitative research methodology, the study used a case study design. A target tweet population and sample size of 68 tweets from the total population of 3186 tweets were determined using purposeful sampling. Thematic analysis was the research methodology, and a coding sheet was the instrument for gathering data. The prominent themes drawn from the reviewed tweet converged on: being a man, the value of a man, the reclamation of one’s masculinity and pride, women (their value, desirability and [un]acceptable behaviour), relationships and the maintenance of societal stereotypes. The study established that the movement defined oppression as anything threatening or hindering a man's power, power to be and do what is expected of a man thus affecting his masculine identity and pride. The oppressed man engaging in prohibited behaviour is considered lacking in masculinity, a lesser man and is defined as a simp. The main ideologies of the movement were identified as the reclamation and maintenance of a man's traditional values, dignity and pride, while prioritizing his health, wealth, financial well-being and an obligation to machismo, with a brief allowance for a dispensable woman. The key strategies identified in legitimizing the movement’s ideals included the vilification of masculinity-depleting behaviour and the policing of appropriate displays of masculinity in order to wield the essence of reclamation. The study recommends asocietal appreciation of varying masculine identities, not restricted to the traditional stereotypical ideals and values of masculinity. Keywords: #masculinitysaturday, masculinity, men, hegemonic masculinity, Twitter, Men’s Rights Movementsen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subject#masculinitysaturday, masculinity, men, hegemonic masculinity, Twitter, Men’s Rights Movementsen_US
dc.titleMasculine Ideology in the Kenyan Digital Landscape: an Analysis of Masculinity Saturday Hashtag on Twitteren_US

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