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dc.contributor.authorAhmednor, Mohamed I
dc.description.abstractinquiry was based on the view of evaluating how electronic banking practices influence the success and value of banks within Nairobi Securities Exchange. Information was gained from a number of firms and data was based on numbers. The inquiry was based on Technology Acceptance Theory as well as the diffusion models of innovation. The population in this inquiry was banks within NSE and it is true that the adoption of online based models promoted the success of this firms. With online systems, it is possible to automate operations and get customers feedback from various parts of the world. The analysis indicated that firms that use electronic and nontraditional ways of managing their customers find it simple and easy to manage their operations. The online tools make it cheaper and far way better to coordinate operations in the firms. From the findings, the inquiry established that mobile, ATM as well as online transactions promoted the performance of the firms. This confirms the view that digital platforms promote success of firms. The study also established that mobile banking models had a significant value towards success of the firms. The study concluded that firms should use mobile models and programs to promote their value and success in the long term. The inquiry also recommends the need for firms to collaborate with various stakeholders in promoting the privacy and security of their clients. This should be done after adoption of digital platforms in their major operations. It is important that firms find ways of adopting automation in their major programs. Automation programs are cheaper and allow the firms to reach customers in all parts of the world. This is one of the best ways of promoting the market share of the firms. With online platforms, the firms can coordinate, plan and manage their operations from all parts of the world. As such, the inquiry supports and argue that firms within NSE should adopt full online-based systems and improve their success in the long run.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleInfluence of Electronic Banking Practices on Performance of Banks Listed at Nairobi Securities Exchangeen_US

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