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dc.contributor.authorAthman, Omar A
dc.description.abstractThe business environment is increasingly becoming more turbulent. The changes in both internal and external environments continue to exert pressure on businesses. The process of managing change, however, is still a challenge to firms seeking to implement the changes. Change management practices refer to a mix of different organizational interventions which when applied effectively support the implementation of change processes. The study was anchored on organizational learning theory, institutional theory, and dynamic capability theory. The purpose of the study was to determine the change management strategies that Safaricom Plc, Kenya used throughout the execution of the differentiation strategy. According to the findings of the research, Safaricom Plc is dependent on technology for its day-to-day business operations. It was also said that technology has a very significant influence not only in the area of organization but also in the field of management. While ensuring that the organization's operational integrity was not compromised, upper management kept the reform process going forward. It was pointed out that communication is crucial in establishing awareness of the change, the need to change, and clarifying doubts about the coming change, so that workers embrace the change and have the desire to change. establishing awareness of the change and the need to change also requires resolving doubts about the impending change. The firm has adopted agile ways of working that have driven the effective design, execution and customer feedback in the delivery of its products and services. Safaricom as being able to embrace the Kubler Ross change curve to recognise and manage the typical emotions stakeholders experience during change. According to the findings of the research, Safaricom Plc used a variety of change management strategies in order to adapt to an environment that is volatile and always changing. This was done in order to guarantee that the company's long-term vision and objectives would be met. According to the findings of the research, organizational learning may significantly contribute to an increase in innovative ideas inside a company. The final conclusion of the research is that Safaricom Plc is able to maintain its position as a market leader thanks to a product differentiation strategy that distinguishes it from other participants in the telecommunications business. Safaricom Plc differentiates its goods in a variety of ways, including the use of uncommon characteristics, rapid product creation, being in the forefront of technology advancement, and an apparent high status and prestige. Based on the findings of the research, Safaricom Plc is encouraged to regularly monitor and assess the effectiveness of its strategic transformation procedures. Second, the leadership of Safaricom Plc has to demonstrate that they are dedicated to the change and that they are able to lead by example.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleChange Management Practices in the Implementation of Differentiation Strategy at Safaricom Plc, Kenyaen_US

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