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dc.contributor.authorOnsase, Sarah N
dc.description.abstractFood fortification has been prioritized by the Kenyan government in prevention of micronutrient deficiencies. However, despite the availability of the fortified maize flours, there was need to address the deficiency in literature on their level of utilization, knowledge and perceptions which remains a gap in the implementation of the fortification program. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Kibera sub-location to collect information on the flours from women participants using a structured questionnaire. About 185 participants were selected for the study, slightly more than half were between 20 and 29 years. The study results indicate that 46% of the respondents had heard about the fortified maize flours. More than half (54%) of the respondents accepted to have utilized the flours. About 39% of the respondents agreed to have the knowledge that the fortified flours can reduce the chance of bearing children with birth defects and 51.6% agreed that fortified flours can improve work productivity. Then 64% of the respondents perceived that the flour is expensive, 69% indicated that the flour is beneficial to health and 72% indicating that the flour has an appealing color. The Pearson‟s test of association showed that the respondents level of knowledge is likely to influence utilization of fortified maize flours.The results were significant at P<0.05.In conclusion, the flours were acceptable to the participantsbut there is need to revitalize education, advocacy, and campaigns in informal settlements to increase the level of knowledge which was a barrier in utilization of fortified floursen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.titleLevel of Knowledge,perceptions, and Utilization of Fortified Maize Flours Among Women in Kibera,nairobien_US

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