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dc.contributor.authorKipchumba, Mary Francesca
dc.identifier.citationA Research Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of Education in Educational Administration and Planning, University of Nairobien
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research was to investigate the factors that affected effective teaching and learning in Early Childhood Education (ECED) in Keiyo District. From the background information of the study, there is overwhelming evidence about the importance of ECED which has made many people and governments world over to be aware of the need to have quality programmes for young children. There was need to have guidelines for the establishment and specifications of physical facilities and personnel for running Early Childhood Education in the country. It was observed that in some parts of the country some children were admitted to primary schools without having gone through ECED centers. The physical facilities range from permanent classrooms in private ECED in urban centres and mud-walled, grass thatched or even under-tree arrangements in rural areas. Keiyo District being in a rural setting enabled the researcher to find out the situation of ECED centres in the region. Studies done on ECED were reviewed in the literature review section of the study where the importance of early childhood education was overemphasized. The methodology section involved selection of respondents which was mainly through simple random sampling. Data analysis was done through descriptive statistics method. Out of 200 pre-school teachers sampled for the study, 195 completed the questionnaire. There were a total of 5 education officers in charge of Pre-schools who also participated in the study. Simple random sampling technique was used in the selection of the respondents. The research instruments were questionnaires, interview guide and observation schedule for pre-school teachers and educational The findings of the study were as follows: Pre- school teachers and Educational officers were well qualified to handle education in Early Childhood Education centres, physical facilities in Early childhood Education centres were inadequate; the classrooms were of substandard levels, the community surrounding the Early Childhood Education centres was not supportive to enhance effective teaching and learning and the inspection and supervision of Early childhood Education centres were not frequently done to ensure effective teaching and learning. The conclusion made from the study was that physical facilities in ECED centres were inadequate, community support was lacking and inspection was haphazardly done. The pre-school teachers and pre-education officers were well qualified. The following recommendations made were based on the findings of the study: There is need for parents, community and government to provide support to Early Childhood Education in Keiyo District, the government should take the initiative to provide remuneration to pre-school teachers; pre-school inspection and supervtsion should be increased and intensified by government to give more support to the inspectorate, and pre-schools should not be separated from the mainstream schools (primary schools). Education at this level should be free just like it is in public primary schools. There is need for the government to address the issue of physical facilities in Early Childhood Education Centers if at all the children are to receive similar education in the country. The community should be enlightened on the importance of ECED and their need to support such education.en
dc.titleFactors affecting effective teaching and learning in early childhood education in Keiyo District, Kenya.en
local.publisherDepartment of Educationen

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