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dc.contributor.authorKinara, Susan K
dc.identifier.citationMaster of Arts in Literatureen
dc.description.abstractThe social vision in Merle Hodge's Crick Crack lVIonkey has been explored through an analysis of themes, portrayal of women, and style. The study has reviewed the themes, sphere of women, and the style and shown how the author utilizes them to enhance her vision. The study begins with an introduction that gives the background ofthe text; a brief literary biography of Merle Hodges and the history of Trinidad Island. The introduction further outlines the statement of the problem under study, the objectives, hypotheses, justification, and the literature review related to the research. The theoretical framework guiding the study, the methodology, scope and limitations of the research arc also outlined. Thereafter, the study has analysed themes, women experiences and approaches as elements constituting the author's social vision. Through the post colonial, feminist and sociological literary approaches, the study has focused on the ideal postcolonial society as insinuated by the writer Merle Hodge. The analysis of issues in Trinidad has focused on education, social stratification and racism as major concerns of the author. The analysis of social vision has also looked into the relationship between content and form. Thus, the journey, food and crowd motifs, the girl child narrator, parallelism, structure of the narrative and choice of women as tools for communicating are studied under style. These approaches contribute to the enhancement of the author's vision. Additionally, the study reveals the connection between the themes and the approaches that the gives the text an underneath meaning that culminates into Hodge's social vision. Therefore the study has established that Merle Hodge's Crick Crack Monkey has a social vision.en
dc.publisherUniversity of Nairobien
dc.titleSocial Vision in Marle Hodge's Crick Crack Monkeyen
local.publisherFaculty of Arts Literatureen

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